Chapter 11 - Part 2: "Second Chances"

Start from the beginning

"I mean, what is the chance that someone could get pregnant after only having sex once? I mean, what is even the chance of that? How is it possible I could be that unlucky?" she said suddenly, looking over at Kate.

Kate shrugged helplessly. She knew that there were actually only a few days out of the month that a girl could get pregnant. If Natalie had gotten pregnant that night, she was right; it'd be incredibly bad luck.

"It's definitely not likely," she admitted, trying to sound reassuring. "I bet those home pregnancy tests have false, uh, positives all the time."

Kate knew for a fact that was wrong - false negatives, sure...but she knew from sex education class she'd taken freshman year that false positives were almost unheard of.

Kate pulled into a parking spot in the lot and put the car in park. She turned towards Natalie.

"Are you ready?"

"No. Can we go back?" Natalie said, looking over at her best friend, making no attempt to unbuckle her seatbelt.

Kate sighed. She was sympathetic, but if Kate was anything, she was practical. She knew this had to be dealt with. And if Natalie wasn't willing to make it happen, she would.

"Come on, Nat. You need to do this."

"I know," Natalie sighed, unbuckling her seatbelt.

The two got out of the car and walked into the clinic.

Kate approached the receptionist. Natalie sat down heavily on the nearest chair.

"Uh, hi, I called uh, friend has an appointment for a pregnancy test?"

The receptionist smiled warmly.

"Sure, honey. What's her name?"

"Natalie Bryant."

The receptionist typed something into her computer.

"Ah. Yes, there she is."

She handed Kate a clipboard with some paperwork on it.

"Have her fill this out, okay hun? The nurse will call you in in a bit."

"Thank you," Kate said, taking the clipboard and sitting down next to Natalie.

"How are you feeling?" Kate said, handing her the clipboard. "The lady said to fill this out."

Natalie did so. While they waited, Kate took a good look around. There were two other women waiting in the room with them. The waiting room was bright and welcoming. There were pictures of smiling mothers and their babies on the walls. One of the women was clearly pregnant, and browsing a pregnancy magazine. The other was a girl around Kate's age, sitting there uncomfortably, staring at her lap. Kate wondered if she was there for the same reason.

After what seemed like an eternity, a nurse opened the door and called Natalie's name.

She ushered the girls in. "I'm Karen," she said, glancing at her clipboard. "Natalie? I'll be your nurse today, okay?"

Natalie nodded, a lump in her throat preventing her from saying anything. Kate saw her take a deep, shaky breath.

The nurse glanced at Kate as they walked down the hallway towards an open examination room.

"Are you here for moral support?" she asked.

Kate nodded.

"That's really sweet of you," the nurse smiled. "I'm sure your friend appreciates it."

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