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I knew the second Ryan said Brendon hadn't told me something that Brendon had lied. I asked him if I knew him, and he said I didn't, but I could just tell that these visions were memories, and I was not crazy.
That was just it though, he had lied. I trusted him and he lied to me.
Ryan had pointed the gun at his foot. I was so confused, and growing more and more scared by the second. The longer their banter went on, the more I got the feeling I was the one who was going to suffer, and when the gunshot finally rang out I wasn't surprised when I felt it in my foot as well.
I fell to the floor. Brendon was at my side, but I refused to look at him. I didn't know who to trust or turn to, but I knew one thing, these boys had a way of convincing me they were right, and I was going to be just fine. Thing is that was my job to figure out, not for them to tell me.
As I sat on the ground I started to remember stuff, yellow eyes, a burning cross, then there was something from a long time ago, something I had only just thought about, but I had never really forgotten, yet like everything else it was only a piece of the full memory, feathers.
I looked up to see Ryan holding his hand out for me. I took it, then just stared at him. I felt like I had expected to see two different people in front of me, because in my mind that's what I saw, two different people.
I turned and sprinted straight out the door. My foot stung a little but I wouldn't let it phase me. I didn't stop untill I was deep in the forest. I was in an opening, in the center was a rock. The moonlight was shinning brightly down on me.
What I did next felt like I was on auto pilot. I lifted my hands above my head, and my fingers grasped onto something. A hoop. I brought my arms down to see the item. It was glowing a golden color so brightly it almost looked silver. It was a halo.
I placed it down on the rock, then ran once again. This time I didn't plan on stopping until it felt like I would die if I went any longer.
I started to lose track of time, getting lost in everything. I was sad that I had to run through the forest in this situation. It was beautiful, and I wished I could have stopped to enjoy it. Then a voice snapped me back to reality.
"Y/N stop, let me explain. I know this is a lot. You're lost in all of it." It was Ryan. I ran faster. He followed.
Ahead the branches of the trees seemed to morph into was looked like a wall. I threw my hands out, and somehow they went back to normal.
Then my legs froze together. I expected to fall foward, but then I realized my entire body was frozen, so I was just there stiff as board.
Ryan walked infront of me, and slowly I became unfrozen. "I'm sorry, but we need to talk."
I stood silent.
"Okay, I need to talk. You need to listen. First I only shot you, both of us, to get to Brendon. He's the reason your like this, I want to help you. Answer your questions. Care for you."
He took a step closer, wrapping his arms around me. "So many things I want to do." I pushed at his chest trying to break free, only finally being able to do so after several attempts.
"No. No. It's not happening. None of this is happening. I am not in love with a criminal, I did not fuck you, I am just-"
"Dreaming?" he interrupted. "Sure."
"Exactly. I must be. Magic does not exist and that explains the whole halo-"
"News flash, Y/N, it's all real."
I gulped.
"Now please try to see reason."
"What's reason to one is foolishness to another." I said, crossing my arms.
"Foolishness." he said, stepping closer. I stepped back. "Now that is a loose term." He took a couple more steps. I did the same backwards.
"Not really." I backed up into a tree.
"Now doesn't this look familiar?" he smirked. Nope, no, this is not happening again. This time I'm saying no.
"No Ryan, I-" His lips were on mine. There was something more behind this kiss. I pushed him off. "Ryan..."
"Y/N?" He placed his hands on my neck, moving his thumb in a circle. It almost felt like being put in a trance.
"Yeah?" He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He slowly grinded against me.
"Now how much do you and Brendon do this? Not often. I can tell. I wonder why. Could it be that you two aren't really in love, perhaps more friends."
"Ryan shut up."
He bit his lip, and made his grinding slower yet harder driving me nuts as my breathing grew ragged.
"You know you missed this. I can feel how much you did right up against me. So, please Y/N, let me make up for all the stuff he lacks. Let me, make you scream my name until he can hear it, because there comes a time when this shit is necessary, and I think he needs to know that."
"And there comes a time when it's quite the opposite." I spoke, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Tell me Y/N," he pushed me all the way against the tree till both of our chests were together, and hooked the fingers of his left hand into my hair, "what time do you think it is right now, hm? Because I believe that you and I both know what time it really is, whether or not one of us wants to admit it. But please, I don't want to pressure you, just say the words and the time's up. It's your choice."
See that was the thing, it was my choice. Not anyone else's. It'd be what I wanted. I wasn't being forced. I couldn't put the blame on some other person. So what did I want? I'll tell you.
Ultimate. Game. Shake up.

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