Chapter Ten: You Know Why She's Here

Start from the beginning

"Oh, um, well, Namjoon and I... well. Um."

It was unsettling to see Jade at a loss for words; every time you had seen her previous to this encounter she had been a bundle of confident, mature energy, and the blushing girl in front of you was completely different from any of the poise you had come to expect from her.

"Do you, um, want some coffee? I mean, I'm making some, do you want a cup when it's um, finished?"

She was fumbling over words as she opened and shut cabinets with an ease of someone that had been in the kitchen before, someone who knew where everything was and where everything belonged.

"Jin's going to kill me for messing with his kitchen," she muttered, back turned to you and fumbling through a cabinet beneath the microwave, "Ah, well. He's probably still asleep," she continued to herself, "Yoongi's at Dinah's, Jungkook's at the building, Tae looks dead to the world, Namjoon's probably not going to get up for at least another twenty minutes, Jimin and Hobi are probably still asleep as well."

She was rummaging through cupboards, pulling out mugs for each of the boys, and you had to hold back a laugh at how similar she seemed to a disorganized mother that was running late.

"Eomma, what are you doing here?" Hoseok stood in the doorway, rubbing his eyes and slumping into a chair.

"You know why she's here," Jimin answered, "Can't you smell it on her?"

"It's too early for that," Hoseok complained, throwing a decorative pillow, which you thought was weird for a group of boys to have in their dorm, at him, instead catching Jin's arm as he joined the growing group of people in the open floor living space.

"Hyung. Please don't throw the pillows," he sighed, brushing hair out of his face.

Taehyung began stirring in your lap, and you automatically reached down to start stroking his hair as he awoke, and he caught your hand in his and snuggling deeper into you.

"Morning," you whispered, your head tilting so that your hair covered your face.

"Who smells like sex?" he questioned, yawning and forgoing any greeting to you, and addressing the room instead.

Jade's back straightened, but she made no other perceptible motions to inform the group that she had done anything but spend the night.

Namjoon had joined the now slightly cramped living space, gently nudging his packmates aside to get to his girlfriend, forgoing any greeting to the rest of the room before he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You showered," she murmured, relaxing into his body as she poured coffee into mugs.

"Didn't want the boys to smell anything, although the wolf's out of the bag now, isn't he?" he asked with a smile, practically glowing with love and devotion to the woman in front of him.

She rolled her eyes at him, passing him a mug of coffee and taking a sip from her own.

"Jade, you know how I feel about my kitchen," Jin interrupted, and Jade laughed before passing him a pink mug of tea.

"Yeah, yeah, my coffee addiction's gotten out of hand, I know. Next time I'll bring my own coffee machine."

"Next time, would you bring the rest of us earplugs?" Hoseok joked from the couch that he was perched upon, as though instead of a wolf he was a bird ready to fly at the first sign of danger.

Jade flushed a bright crimson, and the other guys all laughed, excluding Namjoon, who tightened his arms around protectively and glared at the rest of the pack until their laughter died down. Jade slipped out the room to put some pants on, and the room became a chaotic mess of voices talking over each other, and you were completely overwhelmed.

"Well, it's been great, but I have class in twenty minutes, and this is one I actually care about, so I'll see you guys later. Don't do anything stupid, and check in on Jungkook, okay? Bye!" Jade exclaimed, racing out the front door to catch a bus to get to her class on time.

"So, um," you said, breaking the silence and finally drawing attention to yourself, surprising most of the men in front of you with your presence, "Should I leave too? Not that I have anywhere to be, but, um, I should probably go check in with my mom."

"I'll go with you!" Taehyung exclaimed, springing up with an energy you envied this early in the morning.

"I'm not sure that's a good... and he's already gone."

"That's Tae for you," Namjoon laughed, completely carefree and unworried about anything, leading you to believe that this kind of morning was normal for them.

"Come on, (y/n)! I can't wait to meet your mom!"    

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