Chapter Ten: You Know Why She's Here

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Jade woke up warm and comfortable under a comforter far too nice to be her own and an unknown, but welcomed, weight resting across her waist.

"Good morning, baby," Namjoon's husky morning-voice greeted her, burying his face in her bare shoulder and pressing a kiss to the black feather, which marked where he had marked her almost two years earlier, on her neck while he tightened the arm that rested around her waist.

"Morning," she yawned, snuggling down into the mattress before fully realizing where she was.

She sat bolt upright, clutching the comforter to her chest and glancing wildly around the room before slowly turning her gaze back to Namjoon.

"Did we...?"

He nodded.

"And I'm...?"

He nodded again, beaming at her serenely, despite her worried expression and hands desperately clenching the comforter. Grabbing her hands and bringing her gently back down to rest on the mattress, he buried her face in her hair and murmured 'I love yous' until the tensing in her shoulders faded and she sank back into the mattress, more exhausted than she had realized.

"I hope I lived up to your expectations," he murmured into her skin as he stroked patterns into the bare skin of her hips.

"Mmm, better than my expectations, if memory serves," she teased, arching her back and pressing her curves into his.

"Baby, you might want to watch it. I'm fairly certain that the others guys are back, and you were quite... vocal last night."

Jade buried her face in the pillow, blushing a solid red that she could only imagine made her look like a fire engine against his white sheets, but Namjoon only laughed and snuggled closer to her.

"You know," he whispered, "I could get used to waking up beside you every morning for the rest of forever."

"Me too," she whispered into the pillow, still embarrassed. She flipped over so that she could see him, and brushed their lips together. "We should probably check in on the others. Make sure we didn't scar them for life."

She slipped out of the bed and dressed herself quickly, ready for coffee, but Namjoon stayed on the bed, admiring his girlfriend while she wasn't looking and couldn't get upset with him over it.

He may have been a little turned on by her wearing his clothes again, but if she didn't notice he wasn't going to comment.


You awoke with a cramp in your neck and an awkward weight on your lap.

A gasp from the doorway took your attention immediately, however, and you looked up to see Jade, her cheeks red and hand over her mouth, and you waved sheepishly at her, glancing down to the weird weight in your lap that turned out to be Taehyung's head.

"Hi," you said shakily, biting your lip and blushing as well.

Both you and Jade seemed to be at a loss for words, Jade not sure what you had heard the previous night, and you not sure whether you should explain your presence at the dorm.

"Hi," she said cautiously, pulling at the t-shirt that was again very obviously not hers in order to cover more of her legs, "What's up?"

"Not much. Tae and I decided to come back here and watch a movie, and I guess we both fell asleep before it ended. You?"

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