Chapter Two: And Which One of You...?

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You woke up on the floor of the dance room in the Big Hit building. You recognized it from late night binge viewing BTS dance videos, and vaguely wondered what you were doing here.

Then it hit you; you remembered everything, and felt slightly lightheaded and dizzy again.

Jin was sitting in the corner, dozing off next to Yoongi, and as you started to sit up he scrambled over to you.

"No, no, no. Keep laying down; you fell and cut your leg. Don't move. Yoongi, go get Namjoon."

"He's on the phone with Jade."

"God help him," Jin muttered, "She is not going to be happy."

Yoongi left the room to get Namjoon, and Jin sat down on the ground next to you.

"I'm Jin," he said sweetly, "What's your name?"

"(Y/n)," you said, and to be honest you were a little nervous that Jin was speaking to you, a mere fan.

"I heard that she's up," Namjoon said from the open door that he had appeared in, resting against the door frame.

He was holding his phone away from his head as he took in the scene in front of him, pondering what exactly to tell his bond mate who was on the other end of the phone.

"Kim Namjoon, don't you dare ignore me," a voice coming from the phone yelled, "I swear, you answer me right now. What on earth is so important that you had to wake me up at four a.m. for?"

He winced and asked, "What's her name?"

"(Y/n)," Jin replied.

"(Y/n), say hi to Jade, please."

"Hello?" you said into the phone that Namjoon held out to you.

"Oh hell. Another one?"

"Yeah, the boys decided to go out tonight. So, you're coming, right?"

Jade sighed, "You know I can't say no to you. I'll be there in fifteen minutes. Don't do anything stupid. (Y/n), you're about to get to know me very quickly."

"Jade, I love you," he said apologetically.

"Love you too, Namjoon," punctuated by the sound of a phone that had been hung up.

"So, eomma is coming?" Hoseok laughed from his perch by the window. You hadn't noticed him until now, and you now realized that all of the boys were in the room.

"You know she's the only one who knows what this is like," Jimin replied, and rolled his eyes at the taller member.

"And she's not a mother," Namjoon groaned. "When will you let that go?"

"We could have called Dinah," Yoongi said.

"Yoongi-hyung, no offense, but your mate is kind of mean," Jungkook said nervously, fiddling with his hands.

"And she's the one who's actually going to be a mother, so we are not giving her more to stress about," Namjoon's tone was determined and firm. "(Y/n), it's nice to meet you, by the way. I'm Namjoon, you've met Jin, that bundle of far too much energy is Hoseok, the one half asleep and not helping is Yoongi, the short one is Jimin, the one staring at the floor like it holds all of life's quandaries is Taehyung, and the other one is Jungkook."

Namjoon's phone rang, and he quickly scrambled to answer it.

"Whipped," Hoseok coughed, and he and Jimin shared a laugh and a high five.

Namjoon glared at them both before answering, "Hey Jade, what's up?"

"I'm at the back door. Can someone come let me in? It's cold and my hands are full."

"I'm on my way," Namjoon replied, and pointed at Yoongi, "You're in charge. Don't mess up."

He then left the room to go get Jade from the back entrance.

"Um, who's Jade?" you asked, propping yourself up on an elbow and looking around the room.

"Jade is, um, Namjoon's girlfriend," Jungkook told you, still fiddling with his hands.

"That's an understatement," Hoseok snorted, "They're practically married with kids."

"That's not true. Jade's only nineteen. They won't get married until at least the end of the year," Jin murmured, a smile on his face as though he knew something that none of the others did.

"Eomma may be nineteen, but she acts like we're all her children. I'm her favorite, of course," Hoseok said, big smile on his face.

"Maybe if the seven of you acted less like children, I wouldn't have to be such a mom. And Hobi, I don't have a favorite," another female had entered the room. She was haphazardly thrown together in clothes that obviously weren't hers; they were far too long in the sleeves and loose and baggy around the shoulders of the smaller woman, implying that the grey sweater she was wearing belonged to someone at least ten inches taller than her. "Now, who wants coffee?"

"You are my queen!" Jimin yelled, and raced over to her, grabbing the gigantic thermos she was carrying out of her hand and pulling

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. So, where's the poor girl?"

The boys all pointed in the direction of you, and you shrank back and flinched.

"Oh, that looks painful," she said, gesturing towards your leg.

She dropped her purse on the floor as the boys helped themselves to coffee, and started pulling out gauze and rubbing alcohol.

She must have seen your incredulous and confused expression, and began laughing.

"Trust me on this, when you're dating a werewolf and a god of destruction, you learn first aid pretty quickly."

"Werewolf?" you echoed, unable to focus on anything other than that single word coming out of this girl's mouth, latching on to a single concept that was more foreign to you than anything that you had ever tried to learn, including algebra, back when you were still learning in the conventional ways of school.

Jade turns to the boys still in the midst of their coffee frenzy and glares. "You didn't tell her anything?"

Namjoon and Jin have the conscience to look ashamed, but the rest of the boys just shrug.

"And which one of you...?"

Taehyung blushed and looked at the floor, and Jade looked at him with a look filled with pity and also an inexplicable amount of what looked a little bit like of mother-like pride.

Despite the pride, however, Jade turned back to you and sighed. "Oh, you poor girl."

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