~Chapter Seven~

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The bell rang, as Lily was in the middle of explaining something to me. What was she explaining? No idea. She was talking way too fast!

"What class is next?"

"I have..." I stated, while pulling out my schedule.

"... Ms. Comet's class."

"Me too!" Lily said, in excitement.

"What about you, Tyler?"

"I have a different class."

"So, (y/n), shall we go?"


"(y/n), wait."

I turned, to face Henry. For a while, I had forgotten about him.


"I'll pick you up, after fourth block, okay?"

"Oh, okay."

Before Henry could say anything else, Lily grabbed my, by the arm, and, pulled me out of the classroom.

"Not so hard!"

"Oops, sorry."

Lily let go, slightly.

When we arrived at Ms. Comet's class, I saw what looked like a very relaxed classroom, and, teacher.

"Pick any seat, and, read the board to yourself. After that, do whatever."

So, of course, Lily and I raced to the back, next to the window. Lily was nice enough to give me the window seat.

The board at the front had a few basic and simple rules. But, just to be extra cautious, I wrote them down, in my notes app on my phone.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know."

"Well, that's not helpful. (y/n), if we're going to make this work, you've got to pull your own weight."


"It's okay, I forgive you!" Lily said, before reaching out, and, hugging me.

Well, she sure got over that fast...

"So, Henry's your brother, right?"


"That means... You're part of the Yuski family!"

"Is that a problem?" I asked, worriedly.

"No, not at all. In fact, it's rather cool! You like having a ton of brothers?"

"Yeah. I've always wanted a lot of brothers, so, I'm really excited to have five brothers."

"Is that one of them, over there?" Lily said, while pointing to another side of the class.

I looked, to see Hunter.

"Yeah. That's Hunter. But-"

"Hey! Hunter! Come over here!"

"-he doesn't talk much."

I took a deep sigh. Lily then motioned for Hunter to come over. Hunter got up, and, walked over to us.

"Hey! What's up?"

Hunter didn't reply, instantly killing the mood.

"Well... Okay then..."

"So, Lily, what're your hobbies? Interests?"

"Well, I love cheerleading, texting, hanging out with friends, and, I love playing matchmaker!"

Mine: Yandere!Brothers X Female!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now