Helping out my dear?

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You ignored Namie's annoying voice downstairs and turned the music up on your headphones. What was the big deal about her brother anyways? She had twisted love for him and he had twisted love for a head. How insane was she?!

A message from Izaya popped up. You opened it and took off your headphones.

I would much prefer if you were within my view kitten.


You were hesitant to go downstairs, but did it anyway. Namie Yagiri, for some strange reason, also made you feel nervous. She just had some kind of aura that gave that off. You hated the feeling, but had to live with it.

You got out of your office room and sat on a chair on the top floor, you only peeked downstairs to see what was happening. Namie didn't know you were there, but Izaya did.

You only listened to the conversation and didn't make even a peep. Izaya was teasing Namie with her human experiments and her company's financial security. Your usual smirk didn't appear on you because Namie gave off a more scary vibe than usually.

At least you were going to be at a safe distance-

"Oh, Y/N-chan!" Goddamit Izaya. "Why don't you come down? I'm sure Namie would be happy to see you!"

You shied away from the fact, moving your head side to side cutely and hugging your knees.

"Cmon Y/N-chan! Just for a while? For your Master?"

You hesitated, but did it anyway, you went downstairs and waved a hello to Namie. Your body went over as far away from your master and his secretary.

"My little pet, do you really think that you can sit over there while your Master is here with a guest? Why don't you sit by me?"

Was Izaya teasing you? Your face turned a light pink and you quietly said an ok while making your way over to Orihara. His smirk grew wider as you sat down near him.

"Do you want to find your brother?" Izaya went back to Namie.

"Yes, Yes I do. You can track him, can't you?" Namie responded.

You watched Izaya search for Namie's brother and watch him tell Namie about. She left as soon as possible and didn't even wave a goodbye.

"Don't go yet." Izaya mentioned for you to sit down as soon as you stood up. "Things are just getting interesting, my pet, I'd hate for you to leave early."

You tilt your head in confusion but sit back down and look out the window. Nighttime had fallen and you still looked out the transparency onto the streets below.  Cars rushed back and forth and the colorful lights blurred the once grey city.

"This is going to be fun, fun, fun!" Izaya yelled as he spun in his swivel chair. "This is why I love humans!"

A smile appeared on your face as you continue to look out the window to the bustling city. You felt it too, more fun was going to come. You wouldn't be bored anymore.


Izaya was upstairs while you still stayed downstairs. The board game caught your attention, all the pieces were in perfect place, except for the queen. She was near the black king and stayed there like nothing was wrong.

You stared at it for a solid minute as the clock went tick, tick, tick.

At the last tick, the white queen had fallen backwards on the table. A tap sounded as the queen landed on the table. You continued to look down at it. Now the queen was where she was supposed to be;

In the background.


She was asleep again, covered up with a blanket and breathing lightly. Izaya went downstairs to the board game he had, the queen had fallen yet the king and the rest of the pieces had stayed right where they were. The white queen had fallen.

She tipped it over, didn't she?

An idea came to Izaya's head that made him anxious over the girl. Had she-

No, not possible, she was sleeping.

Or was she?

Izaya made his way over to the girl's bedroom and saw her breathing, that was it, case closed, she was alive. But he couldn't help himself, he had to get closer.

She was absolutely stunning, her beauty was illuminated by moonlight and her skin shone with it. This beautiful person was Izaya's pet. One day, it could be more than his little pet, it could be holding his hand, hugging him close, and even kissing him.

All of those ideas in Izaya's head intrigued him, perhaps there was a chance she could be his queen. Perhaps this cat could mean more than anything to him.

It seems that we're both CRAZY my dear (Izaya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now