Tragedy (Continued)

Start from the beginning

Gary suddenly squeezed Ji Hyo's hand when he felt a drop of tear touch his hand.  JI Hyo at this point could not hold back her emotions and began to shed tears as she was holding his hand.  

She didn't say a word, when he squeezed her hand.  Instead she responded by squeezing his hand back to let him know that she is near.

"I will stay here until you get better...I will not leave your side, my love.."

Ji Hyo then kissed his hand.

For the next few days, Gary was in and out of consciousness.  There were moments when Ji Hyo thought that he had opened his eyes but that was not the case.  She grew concerned of the little progress Gary was making since surgery. 

Ji Hyo's worse fear was coming true.  The doctor confirmed to her that Gary had gone into a coma.  It was difficult to tell when he would come out of it.  Ji Hyo stayed by Gary's side, determined to be there when he woke up. 

Each day she would help the nurse sponge bathe him, change his clothes, do leg and arm exercises to help circulate the blood and adjust his pillows.  She would read him books, play his music, show him pictures of the two of them together and talk about it.  Ji Hyo would not give up on the chance that he could one day miraculously wake up and come back to her. 

Although she was by his side during this difficult time, she was struggling with keeping her emotions intact.  Many nights when she was alone with him, she began to cry herself to sleep.  She tried her best to stay strong for him but she was starting to weaken.  Ji Hyo began to doubt that he would ever wake up.  When those thoughts came across her mind, she felt so lost and distraught.  She didn't want to feel this way but she couldn't help it, since it has been quite some time now and he still hasn't come out of his coma.

Ji Hyo knew that her time in Macau would be limited as she had to go back to work.  Although her intentions were sincere when she made a promise to him that she would be there when he woke up, she realized that was not an easy promise to keep.  She didn't anticipate that he was going to be in a coma for this long.  Ji Hyo had no choice but to leave Macau and head back to Korea. Kwang Soo told Ji Hyo that he would stay behind for a few more days before he too would have to head back home.

She wanted to transfer Gary from the Macau hospital to a nearby hospital in Korea.  However, due to the doctor's advice,  Gary was in no condition to fly out of the country.  So with a saddened heart, she had to leave him behind while she headed back to Korea.

Before she left, she asked the doctor if he could hold something for her until she can find the time to come back to the hospital.  He agreed.  Ji Hyo handed the doctor a small specially wrapped box with a card on top.  She thanked the doctor for all the care he has given to Gary.  Ji Hyo gave him her personal number so he may inform her if any changes took place when she was away.  Most importantly, she would be waiting for news if he came out of the coma.  Once she receives that news, she would immediately fly back out to Macau to be there by his side.  But for now, she has no choice but to temporarily leave him.

The day that she was scheduled to go back to Korea, Ji Hyo stopped by the hospital one last time to say goodbye to Gary.

With teary eyes, she said a few words to him.

"Gary oppa...forgive me but I have to go're in good hands...the doctor will keep me updated on your progress...once you wake up he will call me and I will fly immediately back here to be with you..."

She leaned down towards his ear and whispered, "you have something to live for...please come back to take care of us...saranghe..."

Ji Hyo held his hand and then kissed his forehead and finally his lips.  It was so painful for her to leave him but she had no choice, so she quickly went to the door.  She opened the door but before she closed it,  she looked back and said, "saranghe, Gary oppa."  With those last words, she quietly stepped out and closed the door behind her.

Kwang Soo arrived at the hospital just in time to see Ji Hyo leave for the airport. 

"Noona, while I am still here, I will let you know immediately if there were any changes to his progress....don't worry...the doctor will take very good care of him...I have faith that he will come out of this."

She held Kwang Soo's hand, squeezed it to let him know how thankful and appreciative she was for his kind and encouraging words.  She then said goodbye to Kwang Soo and headed for the front doors of the hospital.  She never looked back because she knew if she did she would not be able to convince herself to leave.  Once outside, Ji Hyo hailed a taxi.  Before she stepped into the car, with a heavy heart she looked back at the hospital one last time. 

"Please god....please don't take him....we need him....please watch over him, while we're away, " Ji hyo prayed softly.

She then turned around and stepped inside the taxi and told the driver, "please take me to the airport."

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