- Chapter 55 -

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When Sasuke Uchiha stepped inside his house that evening, he had no idea what awaited him. All he could think of was spending the night with Naruto – after receiving a nice tongue lashing from Kakashi and Iruka for neglecting his move-in duties, of course. Even when Sasuke noticed the distinct silence permeating throughout the house, he never once suspected that anything was amiss, assuming that Iruka and Kakashi were stewing in sullen anger.

As soon as he turned to shut the door, however, he knew. There, standing in the shadows, was the looming form of Kisame Hoshigaki, his shark-like teeth flashing in the darkness. Staggering backward, Sasuke tried to speak, but his tongue seemed caught in his throat.

"Sasuke? What's wr–" Naruto asked obliviously, only to have his words muffled by one of Kisame's massive hands. Wrapping his other hand around his waist, the blue-skinned giant lifted Naruto off the ground, laughing as the blond's legs flailed uselessly.

"What should we do with the runt, Itachi?" Kisame asked, staring at something over Sasuke's shoulder.

Itachi? No... it can't be...

Turning his head slowly to the side, Sasuke found himself staring into the red eyes of his brother. He jumped back until he was pressed up against the wall, sweat pouring from his brow as he looked back and forth between the intruders.

"Take him upstairs and keep him quiet," Itachi replied, taking a step towards the younger Uchiha. "Sasuke and I have some things to discuss."

Naruto bit down on Kisame's hand, forcing the shark-man to release his mouth. The blond shouted, "Sasuke! Run! Go get help..."

"Shut up, brat!" Kisame snapped, punching the blond in the gut. Naruto gasped once before his mouth was covered once more, this time much more forcefully.

Sasuke wanted nothing more than to follow his boyfriend's instructions – to run away and escape this nightmare before things got any worse. He knew it would be pointless, though. After all, Kisame was blocking the door, and Sasuke had no idea if he could get to any other exits. Even if he did manage to break free, the Uchiha knew that it would only spell trouble for Naruto, not to mention Kakashi and Iruka – assuming they were still alive.

Gulping, Sasuke, stared up at Itachi warily. "Naruto... just do what he says."

The blond's eyes narrowed in confused frustration, and for a time he continued to struggle. When he noticed the seriousness in his boyfriend's eyes, though, he stopped resisting. Returning Sasuke's even gaze, Itachi nodded. "That's more like it. Upstairs, Kisame – family business, you know."

Without another word, Kisame hauled Naruto up to the second floor, his stomps echoing throughout the silent house. Moments later, there was the slamming of a door. Sasuke sighed. "Where are Kakashi and Iruka?"

"They're in the other room, safe and sound," the elder Uchiha said, his voice showing no sign of emotion. It made Sasuke uneasy, not knowing what his brother was thinking – he was just standing there, staring down at his little brother with those eerie, red eyes. "Just calm down, Sasuke."

Sasuke laughed bitterly. "Calm down? You expect me to calm down at a time like this? My family's being held hostage, and now I'm standing face-to-face with the man who killed my parents! How the hell do you expect me to act?"

Itachi's movements were quick – impossibly so. He stepped forward in a flash, his hand planted on Sasuke's shoulder as he bent down to stare his brother in the eye, his face maintaining it's usual stolid expression. "I know, Sasuke. I know. Just hear me out."

Sasuke slapped his hand away, his heart throbbing with sudden panic. "Why the hell should I?"

"Because otherwise you'll never know the truth."

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