- Chapter 21 -

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Gaara Subakuno sat in his last class of the day Monday afternoon feeling unusually anxious. Not that anyone else could tell by the way the redhead sat quietly at his desk, his arms resting calmly on his desk. After all, it was Gaara – the demon from Suna, the monster who lurks in silence before striking in a bloodthirsty rage. Sure, they noticed the way Gaara's eyes were practically boring a hole through the student's head before him, and they were probably even suspicious. Some were beginning to whisper, saying that Gaara had finally found his next target.

They were wrong, of course. Gaara wasn't anxious due to an overwhelming hunger for blood. It was quite the opposite, actually.

He was in love.

It had been three days since the party at Naruto's apartment, and Gaara had spent those very three days struggling to rationalize the bizarre feelings he'd been having. Of course, the redhead knew Naruto was important to him. That was the reason why Gaara joined Naruto's group to begin with – so he could get close to the blond and learn more about him.

During the party, though, Gaara had finally realized that his feelings went beyond a simple adoration for Naruto. No, he loved Naruto.

At least... I think that's what it is. I haven't really loved someone before, but... what else could it be? I don't want to believe that anything but love could make me feel this way...

Yes, it had been during the party – shortly after Akamaru had decided to pee on Gaara's shirt – that the redhead had come to this realization. It wasn't even so much what Naruto did that brought Gaara to this decision, either. If anything... it was Sasuke.

Sure, Gaara had never cared for the Uchiha before meeting Naruto. After all, Sasuke was a rich, cold-hearted, patronizing jerk who somehow had earned the love and adoration of most of the student body. It wasn't fair to think that he could just stroll right through life so easily, so Gaara had decided to teach the Uchiha what it meant to suffer.

After the fight with Naruto, though, Gaara's bitterness had only grown. While Naruto had earned the redhead's respect through his kind words and deeds, Sasuke had only appeared more unworthy. What did the Uchiha do to earn Naruto's love and devotion? Where was the justice in letting someone as selfless as Naruto waste his effort on a cold, insensitive prick like Sasuke?

There isn't any justice, of course! That's why I asked Uchiha that question... to test him. If he really cared for Naruto, then he would've stepped in to protect Naruto, even if it cost him his own life. Even then, though, I knew what Uchiha's answer would be. He does love Naruto... it just took a while for him to realize it.

Gaara felt his heart sink. He knew it was useless – Naruto loved Sasuke, and Sasuke loved Naruto. Even though the Uchiha appeared to be cold and indifferent to his boyfriend's affection, it was all a façade. Deep down, beneath the surface, Sasuke couldn't deny his feelings for Naruto. And that was the problem – Gaara had misjudged Sasuke, and it killed him to admit it.

In reality, Sasuke was a genuinely good person. Gaara couldn't understand why the Uchiha would choose to hide that sympathetic character beneath a cold exterior – but, then again, how long had Gaara suppressed his feelings? It had taken Naruto to awaken those dormant emotions – maybe Sasuke just needed little push himself?

Still, the problem remained – there was no room for Gaara in Naruto's love life. It didn't seem fair that the redhead couldn't even get a chance at love with Naruto, that Sasuke should, once again, waltz right through life unopposed. Even if Sasuke was worthy of Naruto's love, it didn't necessarily mean he was the best pick for the job.

Which is why I have to see him today. I don't care if he rejects me... even if he never wants to see me again. I'd rather suffer the heartache of loss than spend my whole life wondering if I ever even had a chance.

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