Chapter Twenty

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Shy and I walk into my dorm room and my eyes immediately spot Jordan who is waiting in the room for me, our eyes lock into each other's and he starts to walk towards me.

"Shy, I can't do this." I say as I turn to leave out of the door but Shy and Peaches are standing in front of the door and won't let me out. Peaches grabs me and holds me so I can't run off.

"Aaliyah, you two need to talk. So just come on and get it over with." Peaches sits me on the bed then he and Shy leave the room.

Jordan sits next to me and grabs my hand. I look away fast because I can't stand to look at him right now.

"Aaliyah, I'm sorry. I ... I never meant to hurt you. I know that I fucked up and I know that you are mad at me and you don't want to see me. I get that completely, I understand that shit forreal but seeing you mad at me like this... seeing the hatred you give me and feeling my heart break because you aren't talking to me. I can't take it, I haven't felt this miserable ever in my life. Liyah, you are the most important thing in my life. You are the girl that I love, the girl that I want to be the first and last person I see everyday. You are the girl that I have thought about spending the rest of my life with. You are the girl that I've thought about everything with. I can't live with myself knowing that I hurt you. If you don't forgive me, I... I just don't know what I'll do. Aaliyah, please look at me, I want you to see in my eyes just how serious I am..." Jordan says with a strong sound of pain in his voice.

I sit for a second to process all that he just said to me, that was the most incredible thing that anyone has ever said to me. I want to just hug him and kiss him so bad but I still feel hurt, I mean, he cheated on me. After everything I did for him after I went to see him everyday in the hospital, after I gave him my all, after I trusted him more than I ever trusted anyone else in my life. I just.. I don't know.

I turn slowly and face Jordan, and find myself shocked at what I see. Jordan's face is drenched in tears, his eyes are red and he is just staring at me, right into my eyes. He looks so hurt, he looks so sorry.

I giggle lightly, "What am I going to do with you Jordan."

Jordan looks at me with a confused look, "What?"

"I'm giving you a second chance, but this is your LAST chance. You better not ever be with that bitch or no bitch ever again or ima go straight Lorena Bobbit on your ass. I swear Jordan; I'm not playing with you. I don't see why you play with me like you don't know that I'm fucking crazy.

Jordan gives an awkward giggle, "I promise you baby, I will never hurt you again. I put that on everything that I won't ever do it again. You are the only girl for me, I realize that now. I was so stupid for not realizing it before. You are my dream girl, you are perfect for me baby." Jordan smiles big at me.

I wipe his tears and smile, "Look at you, being all sweet. You already won me back, you don't have to kiss my ass anymore."

"Maybe you have somewhere else I can kiss?" Jordan says as I wipe the last tears off his face.

"Hm, I don't know. My lips have been kinda lonely since they were last touching yours." I smile big as Jordan leans in and gives me a kiss and takes me in his arms and hugs me tight.

"Baby..." Jordan whispers into my ear.


"I love you."

I smile and look into his eyes, "I love you too, Jordan."


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