Chapter Twelve

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I'm sitting in my bed listening to some music, singing along to my favorite song, 'Halo' by Beyoncé. Jordan walks in and sits down in my bed next to me. I turn the music down low.

"Thank you for helping me today, I really appreciate it. I owe you one." I give Jordan a sincere smile hoping that we can maybe let go of all of the shit in our past.

"No problem, I'm glad that you're staying. I would miss you if you left." Jordan scratches his head, he has a nervous look on his face. "Aaliyah, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." I laugh to try to lighten the air in the room, it doesn't work. He keeps his same serious face. "I'm sorry, sure, what's your question?"

"The other day at the mall, when you said fuck me. Did you mean it? Do you really not like me?", he asks with a concerned look on his face.

"I meant it when I said it, but now, not as much. I mean, you had really pissed me off."

"I didn't mean to, I .. I meant what I said.", he says stuttering.

"You meant what? Jordan, what's going on. Talk to me, you're confusing me.", I feel my heart racing in my chest. What is he trying to say?

"Aaliyah, I like you. I like you a lot, you make me feel different than any girl ever has and you don't even try to. I mean, that day when I first saw you, I started to fall for you immediately. I just, I don't know how you feel about me. So I hid my feelings, but I can't do it anymore. I have been with other girls and I have been kinda blowing you off because I'm just not good with relationships. So I figured, I would rather try to get over you than get with you and ruin everything. But, I guess, my heart just wants what my heart wants."

There is a weird pause. My mind and heart are racing, I want to say something but I can't find the words to say. So I just continue to look into his eyes with the obvious shock clearly still showing on my face.

"Look Aaliyah, I guess what I'm trying to say is I am into you, I've been feeling you strong for the whole time I've known you. I would have said something a long time ago but I just, if I were to get with you, I would be scared to lose you. That's all... You know what, just forget I said anything, I was stupid for trying." Jordan attempts to get up.

I grab his arm so he doesn't leave. I look deep into his beautiful grey eyes say, "Jordan, kiss me."

Jordan smiles and comes in close, his hand carefully reaches out to touch my cheek. He gently caresses my cheek with his thumb and pulls my face closer to his. I smile as our faces come closer together, I close my eyes as his lips gently join together with mine. His nice plump lips gently caress over mine, forming what seems like a perfect fit. Like if we were meant to kiss eachother, like maybe our lips were made for eachother. His hand slowly find its way to my hair. He runs his hand gently through my hair as we kiss. It all just feels so amazing and so natural. I feel his tongue press at my lip, begging entrance and my lips open up to allow him in. I feel my body beggining to heat up as sparks and butterflies run all throughout my body. Jordan starts to kiss me deeper and a bit rougher and my body lights up in excitement. I feel my area start to heat up as if it was begging for more. I gently pulled out of the kiss, Jordan looked at me with a confused yet happy face. He was obviously as happy as I was about the kiss although he was confused as to why I ended such an incredible kiss. He leans in to try to kiss me again but I gently turned him down.

"What's wrong Aaliyah?" He asked me with a confused look.

"Well, can you keep a secret?" I say, with my eyes still focused on his plump pink lips that had only moments ago been kissing mine.

"Yeah, of course, you can tell me anything." Jordan says as he grabs my hand and holds it to reassure me.

"This was my first kiss."

"Really?" His face showing an obvious shock but then his expressions changes and he flashes me a warm smile. "How was it?"

I smile back at him, showing all of my perfectly white teeth. "Perfect."

"I'm glad that I could be your first kiss. You never know, maybe I'll be your first and last guy that you ever kiss." He smiles warmly and winks at me.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, it was just a first kiss." I say with a huge smile on my face. I obviously did a terrible job at hiding just how happy his words had made me. A life long time with Jordan, him being the only person that I am ever with. I would definitly have to think about that.

Jordan lets out a hearty laugh which sends my body a gush of butterflies down my spine. "Aaliyah, can I kiss you again?" He says to me once he finishes his laugh.

I smile and giggle softly, "I see you liked kissing me too. I guess you'll just have to wait and see about another kiss. For now, I have to go and shower."

Jordan laughs and watches me as I get up to get some clothes to go shower. I walk with a sway in my hips and smile as he watches me with a hungry look in his eye.

"I'll sure be waiting." He says while his eyes continue to follow me.

I just giggle and go in the bathroom, I make sure to leave the door open as I climb into the shower.

"You're such a tease girl!" I hear him yell with a laugh as the water runs and hits my body.

I smile and continue with my shower, I try to get the ideas that were racing through my mind out. It seemed like I just couldn't get the idea of being with Jordan out of my head. I turn the water hotter than it was before, the heat piercing my skin seemed to help to calm me down.

"I'm gonna go to get some dinner, you want anything?" I hear Jordan yell as he is about to leave out the door.

"You should get me some chinese food! I want some sesame chicken and a shrimp roll." I yell back.

"Okay baby, I'll get that for you. I'll be back in thirty minutes." Jordan says as he leaves out of the room, closing the door and locking it before I hear him walk away.

My heart skipped a beat, 'Baby?'... Maybe I heard him wrong, there was no way that he called me baby. It must be my mind tricking me.. Whether it's a trick played by my mind or not, I loved hearing it.


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