Chapter Seventeen

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(Aaliyah's Point Of View)

I'm so confused..

I don't know what is going on but I do know that Ty likes me and he's been using Shy to get closer to me. Now because of him doing this stupid shit, Shy isn't talking to me. I feel like I'm in some type of psychotic experiment where everything that could go wrong does. I wish it would all end, I want this to all be over.

Peaches and I walk into the hospital, he doesn't know what happened between Shy and I yet but once he finds out he's gonna take her side and then I'll lose him as a friend too over something that I can't control. My life is a wreck, one minute my boyfriend is healthy and okay then the next he's in a coma. One minute I have some of the best friends in the world but the next minute they are gone too, all for reasons that  I can't control. The only good thing about my life right now is that my baby finally woke up from his coma.

"Aaliyah Spencer and Terrell DeMarcus, we're here to see Jordan Green."


Jordan's Point Of View

I thank God that I am alive and that I woke up from that coma. The doctor said I wasn't even supposed to wake up but I'm glad that God saw fit to let me live and breathe again.

"Baby you almost ready to go?" my mom asked holding all of my things in her hands. I nodded my head and prepared to leave. The hospital actually made it arequirement that all patients leaving the hospital had to be 'escorted' out in a wheelchair. As I was being rolled down the hall Aaliyah came running towards me. I smiled the biggest I have in a long time. She took me into a big hug and we kissed.

"Baby, I am so glad that you are okay! I missed you so much! You have no idea!" Aaliyah yells to me, I can hear all of the happiness in her voice as she starts to cry.

I hold back my tears and whisper in her ear as I give her a tight hug, "I love you too, baby."

She looks at me and I can see all of the happiness in her eyes, I just stare at her for a long time. I feel happy but then the memory of everything that Ty told me yesterday comes back to me and anger pours all over me.

I'm going to kill him..

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