Television Magick: Chapter Thirty-Eight

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This spell will help you go inside of a TV screen while a movie is playing.

You will need the following items for this spell:

- Four dark blue candles and two light blue candles.

What You Need To Do

Gather 4 dark blue candles and 2 light blue candles. Be sure to light them. Soak your hands in salt water and place hands on screen (Be careful). Take 8 deep breaths and recite 3 times: 

"Oh fire gods hear my plea, help me in my time of need. By the powers of three times three, let me enter this TV, so I could have a better life, you see. By the powers of three times three, let me see, oh blessed be!"

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This article was contributed by Angelous
Added to [Spells of Magic(.com)

Last edited on Jan 29, 2016

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