Chapter 5:Areum pt.2

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I went inside my room and shut the door.I wanted to cry,but no tears came out.Then,the name tag "Jungkook"came up on my phone.That's says "Jungkook"now,not "baby"anymore.I checked his message out.

Jungkook:where are you?Aren't you going to come back?

Me:oh,I went home.I thought you needed some quality time with Areum,you know?I understand,couples these days need that

Jungkook:she isn't my girlfriend😂

Me:just spend time with her,goodnight!

Jungkook:it's late and I'm sleepy,all we did was eat,okay?And I'm coming home.

From jealousy,I wanted to cry,but no tears came out.

About 30 minutes passed and I was trying to eyes became more heavy and I felt like wanting to sleep,but then a knock disturbed me.I opened my eyes and sat up."Who is it?"I asked."It's your baby boy"Jungkook opened the door without getting permission from me."Yah!Get out,I wanna sleep"I whined."Let's sleep together"he plopped himself on my bed.I didn't say anything,I just turned my back against him and closed my eyes.

"Sorry the date didn't happen about we try again tomorrow?"he suggested."K..."I opened my eyes."Are you mad?"he asked."No"I answered back."Jealous?"he hugged me."No"I lied."Admit it"he cuddled with me."Maybe"I replied and dosed off to bed.


"Lily,wake up"Jungkook shakes me gently."Why?...I don't plan going out today"I said sounding so sleepy."Come on,let's go on a date"he shakes me again."Okay"I jumped out of bed and took a bath.When I was done taking a bath,I wore this outfit Jungkook chose for me

This outfit:

As I went downstairs,I saw Jungkook playing on his phone

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As I went downstairs,I saw Jungkook playing on his phone.I stopped for a second and realized he was wearing a tuxedo."Why are we wearing formal outfits?"I asked going towards the sofa."After our brunch,we're going to the company"he says and I nod.And a few minutes later we got into his car and we went to a restaurant.

-time skip-

Can I just admit how Jungkook looks so handsome in his outfit today?

We ate our brunch and I took a sip of my coffee,I ordered caramel macchiato,my favourite~"I have good news"Jungkook says and I place my mug down

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We ate our brunch and I took a sip of my coffee,I ordered caramel macchiato,my favourite~"I have good news"Jungkook says and I place my mug down."What is it?"I asked him."You know the other company we own?Well...I'm the CEO for that company!"he says happily."I'm so happy for you"I clapped my hands."And you're the co-CEO"my mouth drops."Really?!"I said excitedly."Yup"he responded."We're in college,and I bet it'll stress us out to do homework and our paperworks"he sighed."It's okay,we can help each other"I smiled widely."True"he answered back.

After brunch,we went to the company.We have to join a meeting with the Chois,this time they came to our company and it's a family meeting.Jungkook and I were going to floor 20 which was where our dad's office is located and the other meeting rooms.We were only in floor 2,this is going to take long."Jungkook,when will you wear a tuxedo like that again?"I asked."Silly,I have to wear something formal everyday to work"he laughed."I meant when it's only you and I"I sighed."Oh,I don't know"he shrugged his shoulders."How about our wedding?"I looked at him,he didn't respond."I'm just teasing,I know we can't actually get married"I giggled."Yes, we can"he said and I remained quiet."I wish"I responded a few minutes later.

We got off floor 20 and we made our way to the meeting room.We reached the meeting room 311."Hey Lily,Jungkook!"Dad greeted us."Hey darlings"mom hugged us both.I took a seat and Jungkook sat in between dad and I."You excited?Areum is coming"dad said excitedly and Jungkook faked a smile.Areum's parents just smiled at Jungkook and I and we smiled back.

A few minutes later Areum came and sat on the side of the table where her parents sat.During the meeting,our dad was on the far side of the room showing us the billboard on what to do,our mom was assisting dad.All eyes were on them.Jungkook put his hand on my thigh and it felt warm.I was quite surprised to be honest,he's being touchy with me."Let's go to a hotel later"he whispered.I remained quiet.

After the meeting,he took me to a hotel,but why?As we entered the room,he pushed me to the bed and began stripping himself then me."Jungkook,wh-"he cut me off by kissing me roughly."I want you right now"he sucked my neck and I moaned."J-Jung-"he put his index finger on my lips."Shh"he shushed me.
He was so rough.After that,we went home.I was limping because it felt so sore,but I sucked the pain in,it really hurts.Ah,yeah I take these pills,so I won't get pregnant.Maybe,one day I will...maybe when he and I get married and go for a honeymoon?A sister like me can only dream...

Okay!Sorry for the late update.Please forgive me!

Fuckmates:His sibling Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora