Chapter Twenty Two: Nice Chat

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Chapter Twenty Two: Nice Chat.


Her eyes turned Red, and she whispered Harshly, "Stay Back!"

I was already hiding, I was behind a bush. You see that was really creepy.

I already had a life full of bullies, now this is added to my plate. Fate brought me here, I hate it!

This shit is too scary, damn I cursed. I really need to stop cursing, I really didn't want to have a bad mouth. Not my fault I have lived with boys!

I peeked throw the bushes, and saw mum-Sam and a guy. I took the time to look at their faces.

Mum had Brunette hair, like me. Dad had also had Brunette Hair, I noticed that I got Dads Nose, and mums kind like her face.

I got both, both of their eyes. Witch were also mixed with color.

I breathed shakily, it was my dad.

I slowly got out of my spot. Making mum and Dad turn to me.

"I'm gunna go,......." I say awkwardly, slowly walking away from them.

"No." A deep voice said, much like my dads.

I turned around and saw my mum and dad had tears in their eyes. I looked at them like they were weirdo, witch they are!

"Your mum.......and me couldn't raise you, because we are king and queen. We Have our Dutes, and we got threats from people......Someone you used to know and so we had to give up on you, we didn't want to....but we had to, for our daughters safety......yours." I take that back, maybe they were not a weirdo.

I took a deep shaky breathe, "I forgive you." I say.

My mum smiled widely, so did dad.

"But in one condition." I stop them.

"What is it darling." My mum asked despratly.

"We could get you anything.." Dad asked also more desperately.

"A-A Hug." I say with a smile.

I stretched my arms wide, and my parents went and hugged me really tight.

I don't know how or why, but I didn't feel hurt.

Dad realized this quickly, he noticed how they were hugging me. He asked, "Aren't you hurt?"

I shake my head 'No' He looked worriedly to his wife, my mum.

She sighed.

"Sorry it had to be like this." She said almost above whisper.

"Mum Dad  why now?" I asked.

"Because we decided it was time for the princess to arrive to her home." Dad beamed almost creeping me out.

I smiled. "rum I have to go uh other home." I muttered.

"Its alright you may go." Dad said.

Mum looked unhappy.

she smiled weakly and said, "Bye miss you sweetheart."

I say, "When will I meet you again?" Taking steps back into the woods.

"Whenever you please." Dad said creepily. I had my suspicions on him.

I waved one last time, and left.

Time to go home. 


Jakes point of view. (Her DAD)


She fell for it.





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