Planet of the Ood

Start from the beginning

"Oh" Rita raised a brow wondering where the redhead was. "I thought it was a tad quiet, excluding your rambling on." The Doctor rolled his eyes as Donna walked out of the TARDIS wearing a big coat with a thick hood over her head. "Sorry, you were saying?"

"Better?" The Time Lords asked trying not to burst out laughing at how much she looked like the coat engulfed her.

"Lovely, thanks." She commented walked up to them.


"Yep." She nodded.

"Donna, can you hear anything we are saying inside that coat?" Rita asked holding back a laugh. "You remind me of one of the science classes I took when I was a human learning about white blood cells and how they ingest pathogens" she laughed not able to hold it any more.

"Pardon?" Donna blinked at her, the Time Lady just laughed not sure if she was talking about not being able to hear her or not understanding what she was rambling on about.

"All right," The Doctor interrupted. "I was saying, citizen of the Earth-" He was then cut off again as a giant space rocket glided slowly above them.

"Rocket," Donna stated. "Blimey, a real proper rocket." She gasped watching it. "Now that's what I call a spaceship. You've got a box," She hit the Doctors chest. "He's got a Ferrari. Come on, let's go see where he's going." She began to walk off.

"There, there sweetheart." Rita patted the Doctors arm seeing the slightly hurt look on his face. "I bet that rocket can't travel in time and have an excellent library." She grinned kissing his cheek and watching his face brighten a little before they followed Donna.


"Out of everything you remembered from being a human that's what you remembered best?" The Doctor questioned raising a brow at the blonde as they walked towards the bridge.

"Ah I remember my human self-loved science." she hummed in thought. "Still after years, my memory of being a human isn't the clearest."

"It most likely never will be the clearest in everything, and you don't love science now?" He playfully smirked at her knowing that she definitely adored science.

"You know what I mean." She rolled her eyes hitting his arm playfully.

"Of course I do." He grinned at her before waving his arms about laughing walking across the bridge in the snow, Donna and Rita joined in laughing more at him than anything else. He looked like a small child at Christmas something Rita found extremely amusing as she ran up to him laughing. The Time Lords then stopped their smiles falling slightly hearing a quiet peaceful yet slightly sad song in the distance. "Hold on," The Doctor held out his hand stopping Donna, "can you hear that?" He asked looking at Rita who nodded. "Donna, take your hood down."

"What?" She frowned.

"That noise is like a song." He described. Rita then spotted a body in the snow and slightly gasped pulling the Doctor with her. "Over there."

"What is it?" Donna frowned following the two as they ran over kneeling beside an Ood lying in the snow looking very much in pain.

"An Ood." Rita breathed as the Doctor brought out a stethoscope. "He's called an Ood."

"But it's face..." She stood a little shocked and honestly scared.

"Donna, don't." The Doctor looked up at her seriously. "Not now. It's a he, not an it. Give us a hand."

"Sorry." She muttered stepping closer and kneeling down on the other side.

"I don't know where the heart is." He shook his head taking the stethoscope away and looking at Rita wondering if she remembered being told anything at all of the Ood.

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