Girlfriends and Stalkers

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 Zack's fist clenched and he looked like he wanted to punch something. "Malea... the only thing I want to do is keep you safe. Mom and Dad..." He squeezed his eyes shut, and a single tear escaped. "Mom and Dad always wanted their little girl to be safe. always want my little sister to be safe."

Malea was outright crying. "Oh Zack... I'm so sorry..." She threw her arms around his neck. They stayed like that for awhile, quietly weeping in each other's arms.


Mal explained the stalker to Angela as they walked to her house.

"Is he following you or Zack?" Angela asked.

Malea shrugged, hands stuffed in her pockets. "At first I thought he was just following me, but since he was at the garage with Zack I don't know."

Angela frowned. "If he is following you, then we have to contact Michael."

Mal just nodded. She felt worn down, and exposed. Angela noticed, but didn't say anything until they got to Malea's house. On the porch, she pulled in Mal for a hug, who was grateful.

"It'll be okay babe..." Angela said soothingly.

"Babe?" Malea pulled back with a smile on her lips.

"Is babe okay? Or--"

Mal giggled. "Babe is great," She gave Angela a quick kiss on the lips and went to open the door. But instead, there was an irritated Angela. "What's wrong?"

Angela grinned mischievously. "I wasn't done," Her lips crashed into Malea's, who happily obliged. Angela whimpered when Mal denied her entrance. She laughed a little, then let Angela's tongue explore her mouth. They parted, both blushing slightly but with smiles. "Better now." Mal grinned and opened the door.

"Now there's the girl everyone's been talking about! Tell me, is it true you had a love child with Brad Pitt?" Zack grinned from ear to ear.

"Zack!" Malea just about slapped him.

"They also say that you're the queen of S and--"

"ZACK!" Mal went over and clamped a hand over his mouth. "Angela, this is shit-- I mean my brother."

Angela was laughing her head off, and Zack was trying to contain the giggles. "You know I'm kidding. My little sister has her girlfriend over, how can I not embarrass you both? It's my job as a big brother."

Mal stared daggers at him, and Angela laughed again. "Mal, it's okay. Nice to meet you Zack," She shook his hand, smiling. "Glad to see you have a sense of humor."

Zack grinned at her. "Glad to know you actually got my sense of humor."

Malea tried to remain mad, but started to smile. "You know, you're a real pain in the ass sometimes."

"I get that a lot," Zack replied. He started heading towards the kitchen, calling back over his shoulder, "I'll get a few cokes for you two."

"Well, have a seat. You're welcome here, make yourself at home." Mal gestured towards the coach, and Angela sat.

"I think I like your brother," She said.

Mal sighed good-naturedly. "I sure hope so. He's a little annoying sometimes." Angela giggled and leaned over, planting a kiss on Mal's cheek and an arm on her shoulders.

Zack came back into the living room with three cokes in hand. He noticed Angela's arm around his sister and just smiled. "So, do you have any family in town, Angela?"

Is This Heaven, or Hell?  (Lesbian/girlxgirl)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt