Chapter 31

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"Liam, you haven't spoken today. How are you feeling?"

"My head feels fuzzy but my cock is saying otherwise"

"So, Niall submitting to you. How did that make you feel?"

"It made be feel powerful and in control. It made me feel good. Niall makes me feel good"


Liam paced up and down his office, glancing down at the file of papers he had in his hand. He muttered a few words as he read the papers. The past few days he had practically slept in his office, the work load taking over him. His phone had died yesterday, his laptop was his only source. He was on edge, of course. His job was taking up too much time. Time that could be spent on other things. Liam was dragged out of his thoughts by an unwanted voice.

Liam glared at the tan male that stood by his office door. He smirked as he saw his black eye and broken nose. "I see you've come back for more, Mr. Malik?"

Zayns eyes narrowed at the taller brunette man. His eyes were burning with anger. He wanted nothing more to do than to punch his perfect face. "Shut your mouth, Liam. I'm here to speak with you"

Liam's dry laugh echoed through the office, he placed the papers down on his desk. "First of all, don't tell me what to do. Got it? And second of all, you stay the fuck away from my Niall. I will fucking do more damage next time" 

Zayn rolled his eyes in annoyance. His ran his fingers along the clean shelfs on the wall. "You and I both know, Niall won't stick with you for much longer. You just simply can't give him what he needs"

Liam gritted his teeth as he watched Zayn touch the furniture in his office. Anger was surging through him. He was about to pounce. "And what exactly does Niall want?" Liam spat.

Zayn sauntered towards the door. "This is what I'm talking about Liam. You don't even know him. You don't know him like I do. You could never give him what he wants. Ever," The smirk on Zayns face grew with every word. "Niall doesn't want to just be fucked. He wants something more than that. He needs something more than that. I'm sure that you could never give him it. Only I can"

Liam was left standing in his office with his chest rising and falling heavily. His hands clenched into fists. He made his way over to his desk and sat down with a huff. What was that about?

Subject: Something more
Niall, would you object to me wanting your asshole and nothing more?

-Mr. Payne.

Liam waited for a reply, only a few minutes later.

Subject: Something more
What? What do you mean? You just want my asshole and nothing more? Should I send it in the post or hand deliver it?

Ps. Mr. Payne...? Really? I think we're on a first name basis by now. I mean, we are taking about my asshole...


Liam let out a small laugh had he re-read the email. His lips curling at the corners.

Subject: Niall's Asshole
Niall, I would much rather you hand deliver it to me. But tell me this, how come you are so much more confident via email? You would never speak to me like this in person.

Ps. Yes, we are taking about your asshole and it's all mine. I will talk about when I like.

-Liam Payne (There, is that good enough?)


As Liam waited he read a few more lines from the files on his desk.

Subject: My Asshole...Really?
I'm not sure. Maybe it's the fact that you are not here staring me down or being mean to me. Now tell me, how was your day?

Ps. Yours? I don't remember MY asshole being YOURS...

- Niall (yes, I can deal with that)


Liam replied to the email fast, bringing his laptop with him to his next meeting.

Subject: My day
Niall. Being mean? How old are you again? My day was hectic and boring. I am on my way to another boring but important meeting. Now, let's talk about how I'd like to fuck that tight asshole of yours.

Ps. Of course it's mine. I own it.

- Liam Payne (good, I'm glad you can deal with it)


Subject: Potty Mouth
MY ASSHOLE BELONS TO ME. Now go to your meeting. I've work to attend to. Plus Louis has brought be a pink donut which I'm going to devour.

- Niall's asshole. (Happy?)


Niall rummaged around his and Louis apartment. It was quite messy since Niall wasn't here that often and Nathan was constantly in work. Louis was just so...unorganised. God! He sounded like Liam. Niall sighed and placed his hands on his hips. Where on earth was it?

Niall's eyes widened when his eyes caught sight of a body. "W-What are you doing here?"

Zayn smiled at the small lad, walking closer. "Good morning to you too, baby"

Niall took a few steps back. Phone, where the fuck was his phone! He glanced up at Zayn. Zayn wore a faded purple shade around his eyes. "Please leave. Liam's on his way. He could get here any minute now" Niall rushed out, his body shaking with fear.

Zayn laughed and ran his hand up and down Niall's bare arm. "I'll be gone before he even realises. Now, as much as I'd like to fuck you, all I want is to speak with you"

Niall grimaced at Zayns touch, moving his arm away. "Make it quick, Liam will be here any second now" Niall mumbled, wrapping his hands around his body.

Zayn smirked as he spoke. "If you don't leave Liam, I'll kill the bastard"


Check out my Harry fanfic called HAPPY.....

50 Shades Of Liam (UnderEditing)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant