12 part 2. Hijacked

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I woke up Wednesday morning to see my brother leaning over me in his underwear and shouting in my face, jumping around and shaking me.

"Alex!! Alex get up!" he shouted. I told Chris to back off and he seemed surprised, but he just smiled and left the room though. Weirdo. I rolled over, the bed was still warm on his side. I crawled out of bed, careful not to hit my head on the bunk above (it's a double bed with a single bunk on top). I had a head rush as I stood up, it felt really weird. I got dressed in my uniform and a pair of red skinny jeans. I yawned and made my way downstairs. I made some cereal, ate, then went back upstairs to get my bag ready. I saw Chris, he was already dressed in his private school's uniform, bag on his back and smile on his face. Going to a different school sucked, most parents make sure their kids grow up in a school together, but with shared custody and two stubborn parents who wanted different things it made things difficult at times. Dad no longer had any custody over Chris though, not after he found out he was bisexual, he just didn't seem to want him anymore. Yet Chris still attends dad's school of choice, I never really understood why, he only mucks up and gets suspended. Once he set his school bible on fire, it took a lot of persuasion to prevent him getting expelled.

"Alex! dude!" Chris shouted. I realised I was staring off into space again when Chris started waving his hands in my face. I blinked back to life and looked at him, he just hugged me and told me everything would be alright, I didn't really understand, there was nothing wrong. He brushed his fingers through my hair and started to fix it up, biting his bottom lip in concentration. In return I would've also corrected his hair, but he'd already done that.

About an hour later Chris and I were brought to our separate schools by mum. Mum fussed about the stain on my sleeve, but we both knew it was too late to go back home and change my shirt. Why did the school have to make it a white uniform? it stains so easily. Anyway, I went to homeroom, then I went off to history where we had a not-so-surprising pop quiz. It was difficult to think of all these thingies on presidents and dates. I was pretty sure I'd passed by the skin of my teeth anyway. May-be not. I was passed my test back, five out of thirty two. Damn. I wondered if anyone else did worse than me. The bell rang and students rushed out to recess. I was greeted by my group. Not really. Casey and Michael looked like they were dry humping each other on the bench, Veronica was asleep on the cement, Stephen had his hood up and his phone hidden in his lap, then there was Gavin, Rose and Robin who were gossiping about something or another. I wondered where Han was, he wouldn't be long. I sat beside Stephen on the ground and sighed, he looked like he was reblogging on tumblr, something he did a lot. There was a moan from the bench, I looked up at the couple in disgust.

"Have you no shame?!" I shouted, throwing a fist full of grass up at them. Gavin laughed, Stephen made the effort to smile and Rose called Casey a slut. Casey pushed Michael off her and sat up, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Michael was laughing as she detached her bracelet from one of her angel bites. I turned my attention to Gavin, who was dragging poor Veronica out into the sunlight. At first she didn't wake up, but of course she did in a moment, she was not impressed at all. Gavin was quick to blame me for his actions and I received a belting. I screamed and yelled, trying to get her away.

"Steph! Ah! Get her off! I didn't do anything!" I hollered. But of course Stephen didn't help, instead he turned away and put in his ear phones. The group laughed and snickered as I was attacked by this beast, I did manage to calm her in the end though.

The bell soon rang and we all headed for class. On the way I ran into Jason.

"Hey" I greeted.

"Oh, um, hi there..." he was so shy.

It Can Never BeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon