3. This is Not a Game Anymore, This is War

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I stayed up for a while looking after Ally until she finally fell asleep, that was when I could finally rest.

In the morning Izaak was up early, bright eyed and bushy tailed, first up as always. When I finally woke up Ally and Izaak were sitting on the couch talking, TV on the the backgroud. Alex was still asleep, he was so cute while he was sleeping... after that thought I felt creepy.

"I'm hungry!" Izaak shouted at me.

"Why haven't you eaten then? You know where everything is" I answered. I swear he was so blunt sometimes.

"It's your job to look after your guests" he teased. I looked at Ally, she looked at me with the same expecting eyes. If she were a dog, her tail would be wagging.

"Okay, what do you want?" I asked simply.

"Bacon!" Izaak shouted.

"You?" I asked Ally. I was sure it'd be a similar answer.

"Bacon seeds!" she squealed and laughed at her strange answer.

"Pigglets?! You want to eat pigglets?!" Izaak shouted, laughing so hard that I was sure his sides must of hurt, he always laughed really easily, at times it was annoying, but it was also good to have such a cheerful and accepting friend.

"Seriously, can I have bacon and toast... Eggs?" she answered properly, a little out of breath.

"Sure." I walked into the kitchen and quickly got all of the things I needed. Frying pan, bread, toaster, eggs and of course, bacon. After the food was nearly finished cooking Alex emerged from the bedroom, he looked as perfect as he usually did. His blonde hair, a mess. His clothes, they hung off him, baggy and twisted.

"Hey is that bacon?" I couldn't believe those were the first words to come from his mouth.

"YES!!!" Izaak shouted. I scoffed as I pilled the food onto some plates, I had cooked plenty, prepared for Rory to take my breakfast. And of course soon enough he was out in the dining room too, everyone was at the table just about to eat.

"Hey" he greeted before snatching my food from under my nose and walking back off to his room. I got up and went back to the kitchen, I got a new plate of food and came back to the table.

"You seriously just let him do that?" Alex asked.

"Yes, he is bigger than me" I responded.

"Now I see why you get beaten up so often" he mumbled. I brushed my hand down the side of my face where I had been hit, he was right.

"What was that?" I asked, pretending I hadn't heard. He just shook his head. When everyone was finished eating I brought their dishes to the kitchen and washed them. Well, rinsed them.

"Hey! get your shorts on!" Izaak beamed, he was holding several colourful water guns. Ally squealed with joy and ran off to the bedroom to get her bathers. In no time everyone was changed. We ran outside and filled the water guns, we were all very cautious of each other as we prepared for battle. Eventually, all four water guns were filled, two buckets were strategically positioned in the garden. Izaak and I looked at each other and ran in opposite directions, leaving Ally and Alex looking hopelessly around, unknowing what was happening. Alex was quick to realise that we were hiding and swiftly sneaked back into the bushes, clueless to the fact that it was my hiding spot. Just as I was about to question what he was doing, Alex fell backwards and landed in my lap. Imagine the odds of that happening? it's like something from a sappy book, yuck. I looked up at him and blushed madly, I could feel my cheeks warming up as we stared at each other. He was just as baffled as I was. Okay, I may have screamed a little when he fell, wouldn't you if some guy in shorts tumbled backwards and onto you? His bare chest against my skin felt nice, I wanted to be able to touch him and feel his warm skin against mine even more, his gentle lips against mine, his fingers intertwined with mine, hands going through hair- Grandma, grandma, think of grandma. I was brought to the real world quickly and shot him with my water gun, he jumped forwards and yelped. I shoved him off me.

"What the hell, man?!" I shouted at him, even though I didn't mind at all. Well, I minded a bit, it was odd and gave me uncomforable feelings.

"So-sorry, I-I didn't know" he stuttered. I stared into his beautiful green eyes, next the confused expression on his face faded and was replaced by a gorgeous smirk. Next thing I knew, he shot me in the face with the water gun. I coughed and sputtered a moment.

"Hey!" I called. He laughed and shot me again, I shot him in the chest, he rolled backwards, out of the bushes. I stood up and ran across the yard screaming. Izaak jumped out of god knows where and started to chase me. He shot me several times in the back, Ally began to chase me too, whereas Alex laid, confused in the grass. Slowly, he got to his feet and walked up to us, he managed to shoot Ally in the butt, she squealed. Alex giggled and watched her run. Perv. Why did he have to be looking at girls running around in bikinis? It made me feel worse about liking him. It felt horrible to be liking a straight guy most of the time, but then again, he was so perfect. Why perfect if I was just complaining about him? Because imperfections are what make perfections. That was in my eyes at least.

Rory ripped the door open and ran outside, time for our fun to be over. He looked at Ally's short body up and down and smiled. Idiot. Next he went up to me and hugged me from behind, lifting me off the ground.

"Put me down, you vile peasant!" I shouted. He just laughed and proceeded to carry me around.

"Why? Doesn't the wittle itty bitty boy like it?" he teased.

"No, I don't, I would much rather have two feet firmly on the ground. So if you would be so kind to put me down!" I responded. I was ignored and thrown over his shoulder, I screamed and tried to escape, but Rory held my legs tightly. Suddenly, he grabbed me and threw me on the ground, the wind excaped my lungs and I helplessly laid on the ground. My friends wondered around aimlessly, without a thing they could do for me. I weakly got to my feet and stared up at Rory angrily, still hunched over for a moment. I began to pound my fists into his chest and scream harsh words, but he just laughed. He laughed.

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