6. A Sunday of Discoveries

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I woke up at seven on the dot, I would have slept longer yet my awakening was unpleasant. It was Rory, always unpleasant. I woke up to him screaming at me, telling me to "get the hell out of bed." I wondered why he wanted me up, usually he'd leave me to sleep.

"What's going on?" I mumbled at him.

"You are going. Now."

"W-what do you mean?" I was confused by his behaviour, "are you planning an orgy?" I joked, it was surprising that I was even talking that early in the morning.

"What? No!"

"Why is it so important for me to leave?"

"Please. Just trust me" I said it like he cared, like he was trying to protect me. I thought about it for a moment, I wondered what was going on, I looked up at him, I trusted him, even if he was a complete douche bag, not even sometimes, it was most of the time. I realised I wasn't dressed, I blushed and scrunched up my face, I shouted at Rory, telling him to leave my room, he just laughed at me, I was not impressed and threw my depressed and lifeless over pillow at him. I pulled my blankets over me and wrapped them around myself like a cocoon.

"Leave!" I shouted through the fabric, at last I heard him exit the room, shutting the door behind him, laughing as he left. I wriggled and squirmed my way out of the blankets and managed to get up from bed. I walked to the set of draws and pulled out some clothes, I ended up wearing a striped white shirt with a pocket on the left side and baggy jeans. When I walked out of the room Rory rushed me to the kitchen, where I grabbed an apple and quickly poked around for my phone, once it was found I let my phone plunge into the depths of my back pocket and I quickly picked up some earphones before I was shoved out of the house. Realising my hair was a mess, I began to comb it the right way with my fingers, I was concerned as to what it looked like, not that looks are everything or anything like that. I left the gates and plugged the earphones into my phone, I put the buds into my ears as I slowly made my way down the streets, I was quick to turn my Samsung on. I checked the empty roads for cars before crossing, just because I was cautious. I took a bite of my apple and looked up at the sky, the sun was barely up, I didn't know where I could go. I took a second bite of my red apple as I wondered aimlessly. I looked down at my phone, it had finally turned on, I unlocked it and opened the music app, I tapped a random song and Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons began to blast into my ears, I jumped a little, it was far too loud, I frantically turned it down then walked along as if not a thing had happened. I wanted to go home. I wanted to back to sleep. I yawned and searched the streets for something to do, I wished I could go home and curl up in bed with a good book and a cold glass of water, instead I roamed the streets with an apple at hand, I took another bite of it and looked around. Maybe I could go to Ashley's house, but that was a little far for me to walk, and she would probably still me asleep, why did Rory want me out so early? I didn't know whether it was weird or concerning, maybe it was both. Animals by Nickleback began to play after a while, each step I took was to the beat of the music, I distracted myself from the thoughts about Rory with other thoughts, such as what would it be like if life was a musical? Would I suddenly improve at dancing if it was? I'd hope so because I was a terrible dancer. I soon found myself humming the tune of the song, at first I hadn't noticed, I was lucky that only people who had to go to work were up, people like mum. I stumbled upon a park, glass was smashed through the grass, quite unfit for children, also unfit for people like me, who carelessly didn't put on shoes before leaving home. Stupidly and uncaringly, I walked over to a bench in the park anyway, to my surprise I made it there unharmed. I silently devoured my apple at the bench, watching busy people in a rush walk past me. Once the apple was down to a core I threw it into the garden. A man in a suit came by, he was dressed in what seemed his Sunday best, his shoes clacked along the foot path, a young and almost unrecognisable boy was hurrying to stay in pace with the man. That was when I noticed I definitely knew the boy, the boy who wore a white long sleeved shirt and slacks, the boy with piercing green eyes and a childish flare that flowed through them. Alex. His eyes wondered as he tried to follow the man as closely as he could, I found myself following him with my eyes and wondering what he was doing, where he was going. Our eyes met and there was a sudden spark of awkward, that spark soon flowed into a massive fire, the fire spread within seconds.

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