Chapter 8 - Let Other People be Cynical

Start from the beginning

"Then which of these are Alex's girlfriend?"

"Sir, I don't have a girlfriend" Alex responded.

"So you're alone? Dating no one?" Henry turned away from my friends to look at Alex and I.

"Aww no, Alex and John have each other, they're such a cute couple" everyone's heads spun around to the open door to see Thomas Jefferson smiling smugly.

"What!?" My father balled his fists and walked closer to Jefferson and our friends scurried over to the side of the room while we all watched Thomas, who didn't seem the least bit intimidated.

"Your son and Hamilton are dating. I thought you knew?" Jefferson smirked at Alex who looked like he was capable of committing a few hundred murders right now.

"NO WE'RE NOT" I hurriedly shouted. This was not going g to end well. Alex glared at Thomas who just widened his smug smile even further.

"So you're still a fag?" My father walked closer to me, now towering above my head and I motioned for my friends and Alex to get out. The group got out almost instantly but Alex refused to leave. "You're still a waste of space, a disappointment?"

"Dad I'm sorry-"

"Your mother would be ashamed!" He spat at me and my heart suddenly felt like it weighed a ton of bricks. Alex tried his best to stop himself from punching my dad through a wall. "She'd be ashamed to have a fag as a son. A son like you let alone"

"Maybe you should leave" Alex gestured towards the door, his voice harsh and sharp. My dad stared at Alex before punching him in the jaw and walking out of the dorm. The words Henry said rang through my head, not stopping even for a millisecond.

"Your mother would be ashamed"

Alex grabbed an ice pack and flopped backwards onto his bed in deep thought.

"You alright babe?" He asked a few minutes later and he rested his arm on my shoulder.

"Let's get through this day as quick as possible" I mumbled, harshly pushing his arm off when I got up. I picked up my backpack and walked out the door to attend my art class. With my father.

"I thought we agreed you would take law?" Henry said as we walked towards the art room.

"I'm twenty now, I'm an adult, I make my own decisions" I said and my father pushed me up against the wall.

"I pay for your education at this place with that credit card I gave you. Do what I want or I'll cancel your credit card, leaving you homeless and without money. You want that?" He growled in my ear. I shook my head quickly and he punched me in the chest before we entered the class and I pulled on a fake smile.


"So are you going to leave now?" I asked at the end of the day when we got back to the dorm. Alex had extended law classes so he wouldn't be back till later.

"What's this?" He picked up one of the many picture frames from my desk and observed it. It was one where Alex and I were kissing in front of the stars. Peggy had taken so many photos of us, may I add without Alex and I knowing but they were great pictures.

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