Part - 4

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Here is the next part
Enjoy reading sry for the typos


Manik all day at his home as it's holiday his friends r busy with families so left alone manik's dad Mr. Prithvi Malhotra asked manik about his schedule for today manik said nothing so he stayed at home cancel all his works nyonika too stayed at home prepare manik's favorite food as he is a foodie
All three play x box
Evening they all went for dinner . Day was best family time for manik but still he is missing Nandini " if she too with us it would have been great " then he beat his own head " what the hell iam thinking I should think about my friends but y I am thinking about her???? Y do I think different about her like I own her she is my property she has to know everything about me she should b with me y??? Am I mad?? This girl make me mad totally I had to stay away but her smile it's beautiful her long hair they r my weakness her eyes they speak they ask questions she is like a flower so beautiful so attractive no like a soft toy she is very soft and very sweet o God! Again I am thinking about her"

Next day manik was not well feeling tired and feverish thought of skipping he was messaging his friends suddenly flashed "wat if Nandini searches for me? I too want to see her yesterday it was Sunday I couldn't see her one more day it's tough " so deleted the message and got ready to college.


I will soon come with next part
Jab tak miss me

Love Aastha

Manik Malhotra it's my love storyWhere stories live. Discover now