Chapter 48

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Rika POV

"Mom" I yarned waking up in my hotel bed.

"Rika....Gomenasai" she smiled nervously.

"You haven't gotten better with English?" I glared at her.

She blinked many times trying to understand what I said. I smirked knowing the advantage of having this power.

"Mom....could you buy me some video games?" I chuckled.

"Yes....." she sounded weird trying to speak English.

"Learning English came in handy" I smiled evilly.

She trembled staring at me laughing evilly.

"I have arrived!" Aaron smiled proudly opening my door.

"How....did you open it? It was locked" I smiled nervously.

"I have my ways" he smirked showing his sharp nails.

"Aaron!" I covered mom's eyes.

"You been keeping a lot of secrets from your mom" he smiled nervously.

"What secret?" mom became confused.

I sighed taking off Aaron's hat off his ears.

"Neko!" she became frightened.

"I always wanted to be called that" he laughed proudly.

She smiled scratching behind his ears. He purred rubbing his head under her arm.

"Kawaii!" she screamed.

I chuckled shaking my head at them.

"Rika, come on you hardly pet me" he glared at me.

"Because....." I covered my nose.

Because you are too cute when you are petted...

"You are a dumbass" I glared at him.

His ears drooped and stared at me.

"Rika that was mean!" mom said in Japanese hugging him tightly.

"Aaron I'm sorry, okay" I folded my arms.

His ears moved rapidly and he purred playing with mom's keychain.

"He's so cute!" she cuddled him.

I smiled while he crawled in my lap.

"Sorry!" he blushed extremely realizing he was acting like a kitten.

"You were so cute" I blushed.

He smiled weirdly while his ears moved rapidly.

"Please don't tell anyone mom, he would be most likely taken away by scientists" I said in Japanese.

"I won't" she winked.

"Aaron" I glared at him purring looking at the meats in the fridge.

"Fish" he smiled evilly with his sharp teeth.

"No" I took fish out of the fridge.

"Come on!" he wined like a kitten trying to get it from me.

"You ate most of my sardines last time, you are being spoiled" I folded my arms.

His ears drooped while he tried to not to look at me. Mom smiled giving him some of the fish from my hand.

"Mom!" I said angrily.

Aaron smirked folding his arms.

"They always fall for it" he smiled proudly.

I dragged his ear.

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