Chapter 34

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Daisy POV

Rika folded her arms standing outside her house waiting for her mom.

"Rika okay?" I smiled nervously.

She glared at the taxi that arrived.

"She's here" she said angrily.

A Japanese woman in a business like clothes came out of the taxi.

"Thank you" she smiled at the driver.

The taxi driver took out her luggage and drove off.

"Rika" she looked at Rika worriedly.

"The rest room is at your right down the hallway" Rika sighed.

"I...want to talk to you" her mom held her arm.

"Daisy meet my...mother Ms. Satō, Ms. Satō meet Daisy my best friend" Rika rolled her eyes.

"Nice to meet you miss" I smiled softly.

She smiled nervously trying to understand what I said. Rika translated what I said in Japanese glaring at her.

"Oh....nice you too" Ms. Satō sounded weird.

"That's cute" I laughed.

Rika glared at me.

"Sorry" I smiled nervously.

Ms. Satō went inside leaving me and Rika outside.

"She...seems...nice" I laughed nervously.

"Don't let her fool you, she's a straight up bitch" she said in a serious tone.

"She looks sorry for what she had done" I sighed.

"Remember at least you have a moment with your mother" I smiled softly.

She looked at me worriedly.

"Yeah" she sighed.

I went inside and helped Ms. Satō with her luggage.

"Arigato" she spoke softly.

"Huh?" I smiled nervously.

She smiled weirdly bowing and took out her smartphone looking for google translator.

"Musume no yūjin arigato" she spoke softly.

"Thank you my daughter's friend" the google translator said.

" problem" I smiled.

She actually looks very young for her age.

"She's 31 years old" Rika sighed entering the guest room.

"She had you went she was fifteen?!" I became frightened.

"Yep" she folded her arms.

Ms. Satō smiled nervously trying to understand our conversation.

"She looks so cute!" I hugged her.

She took out a kimono and gave it to Rika.

"I bought it from Japan for you" she smiled softly.

Rika smiled softly looking at it.

"Arigato" she chuckled.

Her face dramatically changed and walked out of the room.


"What's wrong?" Ms. Satō became confused.

I struggled trying to explain to her. She trembled wondering what I was saying.

"Um.....I know!" I smiled proudly taking her phone.

I was covered in despair trying to understand the Japanese on her phone. She stuck out her tongue trying to type in her password.

"She's so cute...." I hugged myself.

"Nani?" she scratched behind her head.

"Rika!" I wined.

"What?!" Rika said angrily from downstairs.

"Nothing" I sighed.

Ms. Satō laughed silently. She smirked giving me her phone.

"Does Rika have a boyfriend?" it said on her phone in Google translator.

"Hai" I sounded weird.

Her eyes sparkled texting another statement.

"What's his name?"

"Aaron" I smirked.

She scratched her head trying to text another statement.

"Is he cute? Is he nice to her? Does he have good grades or he has a job already? I want to know everything!"

I felt dizzy reading while she smiled proudly.

"Is my Rika doing well in school? She has other friends? Is she eating properly?"

I sighed trying to answer all those questions. I took her phone and recorded my voice so it could be translated.

"Yes he's cute, he's nice to her, he has....average grades, she's doing average in school, yes she has other friends and she's eating well" I smiled.

She blinked many times listening to the translation then her eyes sparkled.

Rika entered the room shaking her head chuckling at her.

"I guess you are still the same, crazy as dad" she sighed.

"Where is your father? I want to apologize to him" Ms. Satō showed us her phone.

She became silent hesitating to answer her.

"Kare wa kaigai" Rika sighed.

"Sore wa subarashī" Ms. Satō sighed.

"Huh?" I smiled nervously.

"I said he's overseas and she said that's nice" Rika glared at me.

"Sorry" I sighed.


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