Chapter 23

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Rika POV

I smirked folding my arms at William feeding Apple at his apartment.

"It's so good!" she covered her eyes with her paws.

He blushed continuing to feed her.

"I didn't know you liked talking stuffed toys" I laughed.

"She can turn human you know" he glared at me.

"I know" I chuckled.

She transformed into her human form and cuddled him.

"Thanks so much William!" she blushed hugging him tightly.

"It's no problem" he blushed harder hugging her back slowly.

"Awe...." I smirked

"Stop that" he said angrily.

I sighed knocking Daisy's door.

"We are going to be late for the field trip!" I said angrily.

"Coming" she yarned.

"You were sleeping!" I shook her.


Daisy, Avery and I entered the bus with our classmates.

"Please sit down!" Mrs. Wilson smiled.

"Avery please sit down, I don't want you to get hurt" she guided Avery to the front seat.

"Mom..." Avery sighed.

I sat beside Aaron.

"Rika" he smiled.

"You" I sighed.

He smiled ignoring what I said. The bus drove off to nearest forest. Daisy was sitting beside Avery and Adam was sitting beside Mrs. Wilson.

" look at this" Mrs. Wilson pointed at a deer.

I saw her teeth sharpened. She smiled nervously covering her mouth.

"Is....your mom a cat or...some wild beast?" I sighed looking at Aaron.

He was staring at a small ball of yarn in his hand.

"Aaron?" I glared at him.

"Huh?" he came back to reality.

"Sorry, I...." he smiled nervously.

"You are a cat after all" I sighed.

He gave me the ball of yarn.

"Please put it away for me" he whispered.

"Fine" I sighed.

I felt him purring staring at me.

"Dude what do you want?" I folded my arms.

I pointed at my fluffy stuffed ball on my bag.

"What is that?" he looked like a kitten.

"Decoration I guess" I smiled nervously.

I blushed while he came closer to me and played with it.

"Sorry!" he realized what he was doing.

"I....can't act normal huh?" he held down his hat.

"It's cute anyway" I blushed harder not looking at him.

He smiled and purred when I patted his back. Our classmates were staring at us.

"Kids look at that!" Mrs. Wilson smiled nervously pointing at another deer.


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