Chapter 18

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Daisy POV

I smiled crawling into William's bed to wake him up for school.

"William" I whispered.

"I don't want to go to school" he mumbled in his sleep.

I laughed silently pouring water on his neck.

"Sis!" he became frightened.

"Wakey sleepy head!" I smiled.

He glared at me and hid under his pillow.

"I don't want to go my friends might forget me" he spoke softly.

"They wouldn't be your real friends then" I laughed.

He looked at me with his innocent eyes.

"Really?" he smiled a little.

I nodded.

"And I can share my friends of course" I smirked.

"I'm not good with girls" he blushed extremely.

"I'm one" I chuckled.

"You know what I mean" he sighed.

I ironed his clothes and packed his bag.

"I could of done that" he smiled nervously.

"But...I want to do it" I pouted.

"I'm not a baby anymore" he smiled ironing his clothes.

The iron exploded.

"Lightning" he sighed.


William acted shy around my friends.

"This is the same guy who killed my dad" Rika folded her arms glaring at him.

"I'm sorry" he blushed not use to other girls close to him otherwise me and Apple.

"He's cute being evil and good" Alexia smirked.

I smiled innocently going in front of him.

"He's too young guys" I patted Alexia's shoulder.

"He's 14 years old!" Mariana smiled nervously.

"Still young" I sighed.

"He's like that because of you" Rika laughed.

"Hey William, what you think about this?" Alexia smirked unbuttoning her shirt.

I immediately stopped her. He covered his eyes but seemed interested.

"William" I glared at him.

"He's a boy Daisy" Erza folded her arms.

He smiled nervously fixing his sweeter.

"My poor boy mind got corrupted by these girls" I hugged him.

"Sis...." he sighed.

My friends laughed silently. He glared at them.

"Oh no he's going to attack us!" Alexia laughed.

"His eyes!" Rika laughed.

He sighed shaking his head.

Avery smiled walking with her brothers.

"William?" Aaron and Adam became frightened.

"Um....the Caribbean was nice" William smiled nervously trying to find a excuse.

"Dude we know what happened to you" they sighed.

"Oh..." he held his arm.

"Let's go check out some girls!" Aaron smiled dragging him along with him.

Adam smirked following them.

"William be safe!" I smiled softly.

"Sis!" he wined.

My friends glared at me.

"What?" I smiled nervously.


I sighed playing with my hair looking at Alexia and Avery watching a cartoon at Avery's house.

"Anime...." they seemed to read my mind.

"Sorry" I smiled nervously.

They screamed looking at an animated guy.

"Eren is so cute!" their eyes shun.

"Eren?" I became confused.

"He fights Titans like they are nothing" Alexia smirked.

Charlie entered the room with his doctor attire staring at the animated guy picture.

"Izzy likes him too" he smiled.

"Who doesn't?!" Avery hugged herself.

He smiled looking at Alexia and I.

"Thanks for being Avery's friends" he combed his hair with his fingers.

Alexia and I blushed extremely staring at him.

"Charlie stop hitting on my friends!" Avery wined pushing him out of her room.

"I wasn't" he became confused.

She smiled nervously closing her door.

"Guys anything else you want to do?" she scratched behind her ear.

"Spy on Harry" Alexia smirked.

"Why?" Avery sighed.

"He must be sleeping" I rubbed my chin.

"Fine" she sighed blushing extremely.

We peaked through his door key hole.

"It's so dark" I whispered.

"Follow me I can see in the dark" Avery smiled nervously.

We crawled towards him. I felt her trembling crawling backwards.

"What's wrong-"

Harry turned on his light he was naked. We blushed extremely and screamed running out of his room.

"Girls?" Mr. Wilson became confused.

"Ha...Ha..Harry was..." our voice became shaky.

"What happened to Harry?!" he shook Avery.

Harry ran out of his bedroom with a towel around him.

"What did you see?!" he blushed extremely.

We covered our eyes.

"Harry I'm disappointed in you" Mr. Wilson folded his arms.

"Martin, I didn't do anything!" Harry blushed even harder.

"Sorry dad we sneaked into his room and we saw....him naked" Avery blushed extremely.

"What?!" Harry's ears drooped.

We patted his arms.

"You worked out" Alexia had a perverted look on her face looking at Harry's abs.

"I'm just....gonna go to my room and change before anything else happen" he sighed.

"You should" I smiled nervously.


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