Chapter 18: Alien

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Chapter 18: Aliens

-Carmen Silvers Point Of View-

“Oh shit,” I cursed, starting to pull away. He caught me, shaking his head.

“I don’t recognize the voices. There are other people in this hotel besides people we know,” he reminded me, lips pursed.

“Go underwater,” I hissed, now able to see the two shadowy figures making their way here.

“What? Why?” he frowned in confusion.

“If its someone we know then it’d be better that they only see one of us; if they see both we’re screwed. Everyone will know. If you hide then I can distract them enough and hopefully not let them see you,” I explained, pushing him away, “So hide already.”

His frown deepened as he sank under the water, shooting like arrow to the opposite side of the pool, where the people were coming from so they wouldn’t see him. I wasn’t too worried about getting trouble; Mrs. Stern and Mr. Umbridge were too busy to care and the other teachers were nowhere in sight. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t another student; I didn’t recognize the voices but I also didn’t know all the kids on this trip. At least if they told on me they’d get in trouble as well. Finally the couple opened the little white gate to the pool area and went under the lights so I could see their faces.

The girl had blonde hair that came just under chin in a sleek bob, she was average height, average weight, had tanned skin and big brown eyes. The guy was about her height, with brown hair that was spiked up. He didn’t look too built but he was alright. He had the same kind of brown eyes as the girl with him and a nice smile.

“Hey,” he waved at me.

“Oh…hi,” I relaxed, glad I didn’t know these people.

“You out here alone?” the girl asked curiously as she dropped her dress and climbed down the ladder into the pool.

“No,” I shook my head, swimming to the other side. I reached down and grabbed Austin’s hand, pulling him up to the surface. He pushed the hair off his face so he could see and smiled politely at the newcomers, sliding his arm around my waist.

“Ah. Are you guys from around here?” the girl asked as the guy cannonballed into the pool, shooting up a huge splash before he resurfaced, laughing. His spiky hair was completely flattened out while sticking up in other places.

The girl rolled her eyes, swam over to him and jumped on his back, flattening his hair out.

“Michigan,” Austin said casually, shooting me a victorious look, clearly pleased that he had been right and it wasn’t people we knew.

“You guys are together, right?” the guy asked, “I’m Eddie by the way.”

“Oh yeah, I’m Celine,” the girl said with a wide smile.

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