Chapter 14: Kissing Leads To Other Stuff...

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Chapter 14: Kissing Leads To Other


~Carmen Silvers Point Of View~

“How did I let you convince me to do this?” I asked nervously as we got out of his car and walked to the front door of the restaurant. We finally decided to go for just a casual dinner to the pizza place and then head back to his place after for a bit.

I felt like a nervous wreck, wondering if we were going to get caught.

“I have no idea,” he said honestly, taking my hand and squeezing it, “It’ll be fine. Relax.”

I took a breath to steady my nerves but it didn’t really help, “Okay. Let’s do this!” I said with mock enthusiasm.

He rolled his eyes at me as he opened the door for me. We went up to the hostess podium and waited for her to show up and when she did I nearly burst out laughing. That same blonde hostess from when I came with my Pack and Lily and Liam and I had pretended we were dating…

When her eyes landed on me they narrowed to slits before they shot to Austin’s face. She fixed a smile on her face but I could see the wheels in her head turning.

I pursed my lips to keep from laughing but I couldn’t suppress a quiet giggle.

Austin shot me a questioning look, “Something funny?”

I wrapped an arm around his waist and grinned hugely, “Yeah. But I’ll tell you later,” I pecked his cheek.

He seemed a little suspicious but didn’t say anything more.

“Just two or are the rest of your…friends…coming?” the hostess asked me, forcing a cheery tone.

“Nope, just us two tonight,” I grinned at her, a small laugh escaping anyways.

“I’m afraid the only table I have available for two isn’t very private,” she said tightly.

I slanted a glance Austin's way, eyebrow arched. He pursed his lips, thinking.

“If you’re okay with it,” he said finally, resting a hand on my lower back.

“Um…yeah. That’s fine,” I said, feeling my nerves come back.

“Marie go set up their table,” the hostess said to a girl with her short black hair in a small ponytail on the nape of her neck. Marie left to go do as the hostess said, with a slightly annoyed look.

“You okay?” Austin whispered.

I exhaled slowly, “Yeah. Just nervous about tonight,” I smiled weakly.

“It’ll be okay, I promise,” he smiled, daring a quick kiss on the lips while the hostess watched, organizing a pile of menu’s.

“If it isn’t I’m going to hurt you,” I said, playfully punching his flat stomach.

“What kind of hurt?” a smirk played around his lips.

“The kind you hate me for,” I drew my fingers up and down his back, digging my nails in enough to show him what I meant but not enough to actually rip through his shirt since I learned my human nails could actually manage that if I scratched hard enough. “And considering we won’t be able to be together for a week I’m sure I can make it extremely torturous for you.”

His eyebrows rose and his eyes went over to the hostess before they rested on me again, as if he were reminding me that someone was listening to our conversation that was slowly turning into something not entirely inappropriate. I motioned for him to play a long and while he frowned a bit at first he wiped it away and did as I asked.

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