Chapter-36 THANK YOU-1

Start from the beginning

"Ava, were you running away from me?"

He asked me suddenly without looking at me. I couldn't reply immediately. I had clearly ran out of words.

" You know...its just that you have this habit of running away from me?"

He said after a pause like he was remembering. Hearing him say that, I realised that it was actually true. I thought given my history. Whether it was the first time I met him near the fire exit, or yesterday night at the canal bridge or even today when I left without telling him.

" I am sorry Min Ho ssi. The bus was leaving. I should have waited for you."

I replied fumbling with my words giving him a feeble explanation.

"No, its allright. Please don't apologise."

He told me finally and was looking at me now with a sincere smile. I couldn't help smiling back.

I am flipping through the channels searching for something interesting to watch on the flat screen television they had provided on the back of the front seat. Atleast that will keep me occupied. I came across a channel that was showing a movie, an old favorite one I thought remembering it vaguely. The movie was just starting, the opening credits appearing on the screen.

"Are you going to watch that one?" he asked me. I didn't realised that he was also watching my screen.

"Yeah, I think I will watch this one."

I replied as I plugged in the headphones connecting it to the main screen.

"How is the movie? I was thinking of watching one," he asked me again. I wasn't exactly sure if he will enjoy the movie 'Jerry Maguire'. The movie did have a sports theme, I thought.

"I think you can watch it. Its a good movie."

I replied thinking I might not go wrong in recommending it to him.

"Ok. Let me watch it too."

He told me as he shuffled the channels on his screen and placing the headphones on his head.

The movie was playing and the scenes were refreshing my memory of the movie. Watching it again I realised that it was as much fun as before. The part came where Rod(Cuba Gooding Jr.) and his sports agent Jerry(Tom Cruise) have this hilarious telephonic conversation with Rod making Jerry shout the famous line"Show me the money" for him. It was one of the really funny scenes in the movie and I found myself giggling unconsciously. I saw Min Ho ssi grinning as well suppressing a laugh watching the same scene. By the time Rod dances for the crowd in the football field after recovering from an injury while catching a touchdown, both of us are laughing aloud.

During those two hours while watching the movie, it was like both of us were transported into the world of the movie's characters forgetting our own worries and getting lost in their story. It was a funny and heart warming story that highlighted the relationships between all the main characters especially the friendship between Rod and Jerry.

Then the scene started playing. The one I had completely forgotten about. It was one of my all time favorite movie scenes. Its the scene where Jerry flies home to find his wife Dorothy because he wants to celebrate the victory with her. Jerry walks in front of her friends and speaks to her for several minutes convincing her how much he loves and wants her back in his life. Then he utters the iconic statement "You complete me".

I am holding my breath because I knew what was coming next. Dorothy's reply to Jerry interrupting his speech.

"Shut up.."

I repeated the lines along with her,my voice cracking up now with emotions.

"Just shut up. You had me at hello....You had me at hello...."

My voice trailed with her's. Suddenly I am sniffing back my tears which was shamelessly trickling down my face. It was such an emotionally charged romantic scene and watching it tug something deep inside my heart. All the pent up emotions started resurfacing without my knowledge.

"Can you please get me some tissues?"

He was asking the flight stewardess in a low voice.

"Here.....take it."

He told me handing the paper tissues and looking at me intently. I took the tissues and quickly wipe away my tears feeling embarassed because he had seen me crying over a movie scene.

"I am sorry. I got a bit emotional. Thank you."

I replied not looking at him.

"And yeah I know. I watch too many movies."

I added giving him a weak smile and brushing it off.


Author's note:

Next chapter coming up later today.

Thank you....

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