Chapter-22 Why did I?

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Ava's POV continued

I backed out suddenly stepping back from him as the sudden realization hit me at what I was doing. It was as if I was in a trance for few seconds and the spell broke bringing me back to reality. My stupid emotions got better off me again.

"Min Ho ssi ,I am so sorry. I got a little overwhelmed."

I fumbled with the words not knowing what to say at the moment to relieve the silent akwardness. I couldn't even look properly at his face. What he must be thinking about me? What were you thinking, Ava? I thought.

I didn't get an immediate reply.The silence was killing me.

"Ava,"I hear him take my name. Before he could say anything more and it got more akward and become a complicated situation than it was right now ,I decided to speak.

"Min Ho ssi , thank you so much for today. I think I need to head back to the hotel now. You have been really wonderful and kind to me. Sincha kumawoyo."

I told him not meeting his gaze bowing my head slightly. I turned to leave heading toward the direction of the hotel. I didn't glanced back as I slowly picked up my pace walking briskly now.

By the time I reached the front porch of the hotel I am almost running. I walked upto the reception desk picking up my keys.The hotel staffs behind the desk were giving me curious glances. Reaching the elevator, I quickly pressed the button getting impatient waiting for it to come down. After few agonizing minutes, the elevator door opened as I let myself in pressing the button for the floor I was staying at.The elevator started moving as I finally let out the breath I was holding till now. I was alone in the elevator as I stood leaning at one corner. I was startled as I caught my own reflection on the glass panels of the elevator.

My face was totally flushed and my eyes wide open. I slowly lifted my hand and felt my cheeks with the back of my hand. It was warm. I understood why I was getting those looks in the hotel lobby. I was blushing ,my flustered face couldn't hide what I felt. The elevator door opened signalling that I reached my floor. I quickly step out and headed toward my room at the farthest end of the long hotel corridor.

I fumbled with the keys as I tried to open the lock of the door.The light flicked on as it opened and I step in the room closing the door behind me. After placing the keys on the table and flunging my sling bag onto the bed ,I went straight to the washroom. I stood staring at the dazed girl in the mirror before me as I let the water run in the wash basin. I twisted my long hair in a hurried bun as I splashed cold water onto my face, the fresh water cooling me down. Placing my hand on the counter of the basin ,I took deep breaths trying to get a grip on myself as the water dripped from my face.

I shouldn't have left so abruptly. I should have given him a proper explanation. An explanation for what? For making a complete fool out of yourself yet again. Hugging him out of nowhere and stunning him. I cant believe I did that. You dont go around hugging people. Maybe if you didnt have those drinks? But I was perfectly fine all evening. Not a good excuse.

But he sang for you. I close my eyes remembering how I felt at that moment.I had never been so happy and I had one of the best day of my life spending it with him. You dont get a chance like that and how many people get to hear him sing like he did for me. You didnt even thanked him properly. You just walked out ,actually you literally ran away from him. But if I had stayed then what? You didnt even hear what he was going to say. All sort of thoughts were swirling in my head as I dried my face with the towel.

I quickly changed into my tee and sleeping shorts ,slipping into the big bed.Till yesterday night I was sleeping in the same hotel bed and cursing myself for not being able to talk to him on the flight. Or few days back how I was disappointed for missing his fan meeting. And today I am lying wide awake not at all feeling sleepy thinking how in a matter of a day I got not only to talk to him but spending a memorable day with him. I switched off the bedside lamp beside the table and closed my eyes. What will he be thinking right now? That I acted in a clingy manner...Why did I had to spoiled the moment? I tossed and turned on the soft linen failing miserably to fall asleep.

I got up and switched on the table light and reached for the glass of water drinking it one go. I flopped onto the bed. Stop thinking Ava. I should get some sleep. In few hours time ,it will be morning. I plugged in the headphones in my ears and tried to distract my mind listening to the music. I should concentrate on something else. Maybe I should count numbers in my head to keep my mind busy.

1,2,3..60...280....650....800.This is so not working. I mentally slapped myself. You were afraid ,weren't you? The voice in my head was telling me. Afraid of what? Falling for him...?That cant be...I was supposed to meet him as a fan not fall head over heels over him. You are in a big trouble girl....

By the time ,tiredness overcame me and sleep finally came ,I was curled up in the bed cuddling the extra fluffy pillow and the last thoughts I remember before drifting off to sleep was the warm and fuzzing feeling I felt hugging him....


Author's note:

Its Valentine day!! Just wanted to wish Min Ho ssi lots of love, success and happiness...Your big fan always :))

*To my lovely readers,Thank you again...Everytime I see getting one more read I get so excited and everytime someone votes for my story, you make me the happiest person in the world! Love u all, wishing you a very Happy Valentines Day! Let love fill our lives with lots of happiness :))

P.s I will be updating the next chapter in few days. Please share me your views. I love to hear them.It will also help me improve.Thank you!

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