Chapter-20 A day to remember:Making fun of each other

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Ava's POV continued.

We are slowly descending a long flight of stairs.Its almost midnight by now.I see a group of young girls climbing the stairs and passing by us. I couldn't help noticed how they were giggling and whispering to each other as they look at our direction.It was so obvious,they were checking him out.

I quickly glanced at him.He seemed totally oblivious of the approving glances he got from them.Does he even know how what effect he has on the girls? Min Ho ssi definitely attracts attention wherever he goes. Not only is he strickingly handsome but there is something about him that draws you to him. And I can't believe I am walking beside him.When did I become so lucky? I sighed thinking about it. Maybe I am still dreaming...I smiled to myself as I fiddle with my bangles.

"Ava,don't tell me that you smile in your thoughts too?,"he said suddenly looking at me.

"Ah...its nothing,"I replied but I couldn't help smiling more.

"Min Ho ssi....,"I called out to him.

"Hmm...,"he replied smiling.

"Can I ask you a question?,"I asked him again.

"Its kind of a akward question but...Min Ho ssi you are so popular with the girls.How is it like you know,having everyone going crazy over you?,"

I hadn't planned to asked him, it just popped out of my mind.

He looked at me surprised by my question.

"Hmm...what to say? Its kind of flattering you know but sometimes it can be really akward. I mean I am not that good looking. Maybe its the role I potrayed that they like,"he replied with a grin after thinking for a while.

"Ah...Min Ho ssi, don't be so modest,"I said teasing him lightly hearing his reply.

"I am not, seriously! And why are you asking me that out of no where?," his eyes widened questioning me.

"Its just, you don't seem to know what effect Min Ho oppa has on the girls,"I replied smiling and pronouncing oppa like a young girl would call him.

(*oppa-older brother or a term of endearment which a girl calls to a guy older to her)

After pondering for a while, he spoked to me as if he suddenly realized something,

"Come to think of it. How come you don't call me oppa like others then?".

"Now how can I call you oppa?I am 27 ,Min Ho ssi ?"I replied laughing at how he thought that.

He suddenly stop at the middle of stairs.

"Ava,did you just tell me how old you are?! ," he asked me with a incredulous look.

"Yeah,I guess I did, why?,"I asked him wondering what happened.

"Ah..sincha, this girl! You should never tell a namja (guy) how old you are! ,"he tells me shaking his head, still not believing I told him that.

"Oh...I shouldn't?! ," I replied putting my hand on my mouth unsure.

He is laughing now seeing my confused face . He descends few steps and turns to me, his eyes having that michievous look.

"So then,if you can't call me oppa...I can call you noona,right?! ," he asked me with a huge grin.

(*Noona-older sister or a term of endearment which a guy calls a woman older than him)

I finally got that he was kidding with me seeing his amused face.

"Min Ho ssi, are you pulling my legs?!,"I asked him my face hot now with embarrassment. He is now laughing. I quickly descended the stairs ahead of him.

"Fine, you can call me anything you want?I don't mind,"I replied not looking back at him.

This is really embarassing, thinking how he was making fun of me.

"Hey, why you going down so fast?Wait for me noona," he is shouting at me now laughing uncontrollably.

"Its getting late. We have to get back to the hotel," I shouted back at him as I reached the end of the stairs.

I am walking now through a narrow winding cobbled alley. I noticed that I was in a older part of the city with its charming old buildings. As it is night time, most of the buildings had put up their lights which was mostly red neon lights blinking away now. Even the windows had red fringed curtains, some of them drawn while others opened. As the alley is narrow only two to three people can pass at a time.Ahead of us , I find a group of people mostly tourists pointing at one such windows. I curiously glanced at the direction they are pointing to each other.

I finally saw a scantily dressed lady standing at the window waving at them.Then the sudden realization dawns on me as I remember hearing and reading about it in the brochures. I was apparently walking through one of the streets of the famous right red districts in Amsterdam. I knew it was legalised here but I was so shocked seeing the parades of skimply dressed women at the windows.

"Ava, can't you walk a little slower?",I heard Min Ho ssi calling out to me as he gained on me.

Oh no! I was already embarassed with what happened earlier and now I have to walk through this street with him.This is the heights of embarassement,I thought ruffling my hair in frustation.

He finally reached the place I am standing.

"You walk too fast for a girl. Its so hard to keep up with you,"he scolds me mockingly.

What am I going to do?I thought. I am avoiding looking at him as I pass the eager group of onlookers.

"Whats with the people crowding....,"he stops saying through midsentence. I think he also noticed and realized where we are now. We still had more then half of the alley to cross through to reach the main street.

Some of the girls are flirting with passerbys. I am already red with akwardness still avoiding looking at his direction at any cost. I think the feeling is mutual as we are not talking or looking at each other now as we silently passed through the narrow alley.

Thats when an old middle aged lady called out from one of the windows.

"Hello handsome stranger.You don' t want to come over?."

Thats when I started giggling because I accidently saw his shocked expression,his face pink with embarassment.

"No, thank you," he shouted back at her not turning back.

"Hurry ! We need to get out of here,"he was telling me in a hushed voice.

This time it was my turn to laugh uncontrollaby seeing how uncomfortably embarassed he was.

By the time we reached the main street,I am out of breath laughing.

"Will you stop laughing now?," he with a sheepish look.

"Sorry, Min Ho ssi. It was so funny seeing you scared and you look so cute,"I said finally catching my breath.

"Ah..sincha.How did we landed up there?What a crazy day!,"he tells me finally his face relaxing with a smile.

"Yeah I know," I replied smiling agreeing with him.

Author's note:

Disclaimer: A *fan fiction*

Thank you so much for reading.


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