Chapter-15 A day to remember:In the club

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Author's note:

I am uploading it from my phone so the dedication button doesnt seem to work.I want to thank@iDorkee - the first one to comment!

@pwiincezz786 and @depressedMonkey-for commenting and voting.

@Dancing_Love-first one to read,comment and vote all the chapters !!

and to all those people who read it and voted.Thank you all:))

I will try to upload longer chapters now.It's difficult to write from a guy's POV. I dont know how Min Ho ssi will react if he were in a situation like this! Its just my thoughts.

Disclaimer: My story is a fan fiction. All the other character's are fictitious. I really appreciate when you comment and tell me how it is.Thanx for sticking to the story and reading it till now....



Min Ho's POV

Before I could refuse Yoon Joo had already taken me along with her to meet her friends. We entered a private room of the night club. She seem to have booked a whole VIP room for herself and company. Her friends who were already in the room, were waving and calling her name.

She was still holding my arm. She excitedly called out to them introducing me.

"Hey friends, look who I met here? "

She said gesturing at me.

"I want everyone to meet Lee Min Ho oppa. I think few of you already know him".

The girls were already crowding around me. Some of the guys were just nodding their heads while few came up to shake my hands. I recognize few faces as I have seen them back home at parties or events, all of them belonging to affluent families.

I slowly released my arm from her hold and sat down on the plush sofa.

"Hey there bro,hows everything?,"asked a guy. He was sitting right across the table on the opposite end.

"I am good, thanks,"I replied.

He looked a bit older than me and although he smiled at my reply, it wasn't a friendly one.

I merely shrugged. I wasn't intimidated by them. Back home we move in the same circle now that I am famous. I have hanged out with people like them.

I know only few were my genuine friends. Others befriended me because I am a celebrity and hanging out with me made them look good.

I wasn't born with the fame and reputation I have now. I earned it with hard work and struggle.The conversations in the room centered mostly around what exotic vacations they went to, the Ferrari or Lamborghini they bought or the designer wears they were flaunting. I was getting bored.More then that, my thoughts went back to the girl I left at the bar. I checked my watch. Although Jack and Mandy were with her, I was getting worried.

We came together and I left her at the bar.

"Sorry, Yoon Joo but I have to go back now...It was nice meeting you."

I told her as she was trying to engage me in her conversations.

She was pouting her lips in disappointment.

"Maybe next time,"I told her quietly and got up.

"Fine oppa, you can leave but you have to give me your phone number,"she replied batting her eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes.

"So that we can get in touch later,oppa,"

she told me smiling.

Lee Min Ho fan fiction<Happy to meet You>Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum