I took a deep breath calming my nerves before turning to look at the women who stole my heart.

I look at the girls and my hate for Y/B/N grew. They all had bruises and cuts on their faces but the worst was Camila. She can barely walk as she leaned into Lauren.

"I'm fine babe. " Camila gave me a not so reassuring smile. "We are all fine now that you're here. "
All the girls envelope in a long awaited hug. All of us hugged each other gently as to not further injured each other.

"We were so worried! " They all said in harmony. There tears mixed with mine as I kissed there cheeks forgetting about everything that happened earlier and before. All that matters now is them.

5 minutes later

The first five minutes are just filled with us hugging and crying. I savor the moment deep inside my mind and heart until one of the girls hit my ribs and the all too familiar pain in my ribs came back. I silently whimper not wanting to break or alert the girls but unfortunately Ally heard.

"What's wrong? " Ally ask making everyone break the hug.

I bit my lip trying to hold onto the scream of pain begging to be released.

"Nothing's.. wrong. " I replied but flinched when I felt soft fingers wiping sweat and blood at my cut on my forehead.

"What did she do to you? "Lauren look at the cut then her green emerald eyes traveled to the soak blood T-shirt I wore.

I guess the girls and I were so excited to see each other that we both focus on to each other so much that they did not even notice while I forgot.

"I-is that...your blood? "I could feel Normani's eyes on me but my eyes are staring at the White floor wanting to disappear and never answer that question.

"Y/N honey whose blood is that? " I felt Ally's hand on my chin tilting it a little upward so her brown chocolate eyes met mine but I refuse and started backing up until my back hit a smooth wall.

Our love will always last even if one of us is not there

Chrissy's voice filled my ears as if she is here repeating it. I held my head as my body slide down the wall and onto the floor.

I could remember the loud bang of the gun and the last smile on Chrissy's face as her heart and blood exploded onto my shirt.

I will always always love you

Those words and the way Chrissy said it made me sick. She loved me and what I did to her is... unacceptable. I tried to be strong but for her, the girls, my parents,and for myself  but..

"Y/N please tell me what's wrong ? " I blink back the tears as I felt Dinah grabbing my hands away from my head and holding it onto hers. "Aside from that psychotic bitch outside. "

This time instead of getting angry and defending Y/B/N I chuckle and smile at Dinah.

I could see the other girls behind Dinah staring at me waiting for me to tell them what happened.

I sigh. Nothing you hide will last

"I...hurt Chrissy. " I just couldn't bring myself to say the word kill. If I do say it, it makes me see Chrissy is.. dead even though she is not. I don't know why but I can still feel Chrissy presence.

Maybe she is alive

I shook my head.

Or maybe I am becoming crazy

I smirk sadly at my next thought.
Crazy for her

What could have happened if I hadn't end up meeting Y/B/N. Maybe me and Chrissy would have a normal love story where I not get tortured and force to kill someone while Chrissy is.... not sleeping. Then again without Y/B/N there would have never been a party that the girls threw. Without the party I would have never met Chrissy but if what we have is love then love or fate will find a way for us to meet.

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