Survival Skill 4: Thou must let public know

Start from the beginning

Jim decided to pipe in. “I’m not hoping for grandchildren soon.”

My face turned beetroot red in an instant. “POP!”

Rex chuckled. “We’re not planning on that yet.” Jim smiled at Rex, giving him a look of approval.

“You actually made a good choice this time, son.” Mr. Parker suddenly commented.

Rex beamed. “Thanks, Dad.”

Mr. Parker gave him a proud smile, which I rarely - very, very, rarely - saw.  Come to think of it, Rex wasn’t kidding when he said his Dad was hard to please. I guess he was proud that his son actually chose me to be his girlfriend. I wasn't gonna lie, I found it flattering.

“You guys seriously believe this?” Jamie asked with a confused expression.

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, Jamie.”


“I know it’s unexpected,” Rex said, “but, please, just support this us on this one.”

Jamie let out a sigh. “Fine,” Rex again looked at me lovingly. This was seriously getting nauseating. Our stare was cut off though when Jamie said his next words. “But something’s on and I will find out what it is.”

Mrs. Parker suddenly started squealing again. “Oh! I can’t wait till you guys get married.”

“I know! I definitely think you guys should wait until after college.” my Mom chimed in.

Then the whole conversation went on about my future as Mrs. Rex Parker. I wanted to die on the spot.

This was going to be a long night.


Monday turned out to be the day the whole school found out about my relationship with Rex.

One word to describe their reaction:


Yep, just like Jamie’s word last night.

I expected them to have the same reaction as our families last night and yet none of them were surprised. They were all happy for our relationship and said that it was about time that we finally gotten together.


I mean, weren’t they aware of the war Rex and I had since the beginning of time? Why weren’t they wondering why we were dating?

“I don’t get it.” I muttered.

My three best friends looked at me in confusion. It was lunch time and we were currently stuffing our faces when I couldn't contain my confusion.

“What?” Violet asked as she ate her fries and sloppy burger like a truck driver. She always ate like this. I would, too, if I had her metabolism.

Violet was the athletic girl in the group. Don’t let her girly and model-like attitude and looks fool you. She could play hockey, volleyball and basketball.

“Why are people treating this like it’s the most natural thing in the world?” I asked in deep confusion.

Amy giggled as she was scarfing down a chocolate bar. Amy couldn't live without sweets and that was just putting it lightly.

Joey smirked as she plunged her fork in her salad. “George, you and Parker dating isn’t really big news. I mean, people expected it to happen sooner or later.” Then she fished out her fork and put it her in her mouth as I grimaced at how I imagined the blandness of her salad.

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