Admit You Like Him/Her!

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Alex Fierro's POV

Mallory and I were walking back from dinner when she suddenly grabs me and pulls me into her room. I was confused as to why she was doing this and was mad because I needed to glaze some pottery in my room (Totally not a cute mug for Magnus). She quickly shuts the door and crosses her arms. 

"Stop it!" She says in her thick accent, "Please stop looking at Magnus like he is a literal god! You need to admit you like him or so help me you will be the first one I slaughter in battle tomorrow,"

"Okay, first of all, I could probably kill you first, second of all that's cool where fighting dragons tomorrow anyway, third of all I do not have a crush on Magnus," I say harshly and also cross my arms. 

"Then why do you look at him like he is a god when he is not staring at you and why do always say rude comments to him like I do with Halfborn and sometimes blush around him and why do you think that you could slaughter me first" She says and looks at me with a cold, harsh, glare, "Tell me why"

"Well I think that I have better skill with my garrote then you do with those knives so I could probably kill you first, plus I can shapeshift so I could literally crush you like the bug you are, bye!" I say and turn into a fly.

I quickly go under her door and fly out into the hallway. I then shapeshift back into my normal self and walk towards my room. I can't believe Mallory found out the one secret I can't even make my brain fully say. Watch, I like Mango Cheese. See?! I can't even say it in my mind! It's crazy I have feelings for him anyway, knowing that there are thousands of einherjar's in this hotel alone that he could want. He could even want a goddess from a different mythology, he told me they were real too. I just couldn't see me, a shape-shifter demigod, with a healer demigod like him. I mean for gods sakes, I am a daughter of Loki! Loki tried to kill him like what? Twelve times I think, I mean I really don't know, but it must be a lot. I know how angry Loki is at Magnus for ruining his plans to start Ragnorak, so how could he ever like a girl who's stupid mother/father tried to kill them twelve times! My head doubts that I will ever end up with someone as sarcastic, handsome, charismatic, kind, etc, as Magnus. My heart tells a different story, my heart wants to run up to him and kiss him. But like usual, I keep my heart locked up in layers upon layers of grief, sadness, and doubt. I will never have him. 

Magnus Chase's POV

As I was walking towards my room after a very good Valhalla dinner, Halfborn took my shoulder and shoved me into his room. He then locked the door and looked at me with his still face unmoving. I was confused as to why he shoved me in here, and even more confused about why he has a new tattoo of Mallory on his left wrist. 

"I know you have a crush on Alex, now you are going to tell her or so help me I will slaughter you first thing tomorrow," He says as roughly as always.

"Good thing you will slaughter me first thing tomorrow because I really hate fighting those dragons," I say. 

"Mallory and I can't help but notice you staring at each other from afar every day, and how you always get saved by Alex in battles, but you don't realize it because you're killing somebody else but people sneak up behind you and Alex decapitates them," Halfborn says, "Mallory and I both know you too like each other, so why won't you ask her out or something? Confess your love for her please so Mallory can stop bugging me by pointing out everything about you two"

"Wait, she likes me too?" I ask because I have been dying (Lol I made a pun) to know.

"Yes she does, now go confess your love, please! I literally can not take it will you too plus Mallory telling me about you too every ten seconds" Halfborn says.

Man, I didn't really think anyone would go this far to make sure me and Alex got together. It makes me kind of happy to think that she likes me too, yet I don't know if I can tell her. I wouldn't know what to say at all. How do relationships even function? It's all so confusing, so I try to distract Halfborn by talking about him and Mallory. Anyone with eyes could see they like each other. Even Hearthstone signed that they totally have a crush on each other after meeting them. 

"Well then why don't you confess your love for Mallory, you obviously have a huge crush on her, you even have a tattoo of her on your wrist, now you probably wouldn't tattoo yourself with someone face unless you really liked them, so I think you like her," I counter and smirk at Halfborn.

Suddenly the door opens to reveal Mallory holding a half-swaddled lion in her arms while trying to force it into the room. I already know that the lion is Alex but I have no explanation to why she is swaddled up like a baby while shape-shifted into a lion. Man, my life has gotten so much more complicated since I died. The lion Alex is violently thrashing in Mallory's arms, ripping whatever fabric had once swaddled her. 

"Please help me restrain this beast Halfborn, and Magnus, don't move," She says in her thick accent.

Halfborn and Mallory work quickly to restrain the lion, but then Alex turns back into a human and frees herself from the restraints via garrote. She quickly and neatly decapitated both Halfborn and Mallory. Man, she looks so hot killing people (Did I really just think that?!). Then I feel Jack buzz against my neck. You got this Sénor, all you need to do is tell her. Alex pulls their corpses off of her, then looks at me with curiosity. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks me. 

"I don't really know after dinner Halfborn shoved me in here and started to say I should confess my love to you and stuff, then you came in and decapitated them"

"Wait, Magnus did you just say you loved me?" Alex says and blushes furiously. 

"Yeah" I stammer, not really knowing what to say. 

Alex then runs over to me and does something very unexpected. She kisses me, not on the cheek, or on the forehead, but on the mouth. Just a quick peck, but it was glorious. Then she pulls away. We are both blushing furiously now, each at red as a hydroponically made tomato (Hint: Hydroponically made tomatoes are redder than soil grown tomato's, I read it in a book that showed up in my room, so I know its true). 

"Magnus, I love you too," She says lightly, her eyes shimmering. (Literally, her eyes were flashing from gold to their original colors, it was creepy but cool at the same time)

I smiled, and this time I put my lips on hers. It all sound cliche, sounds all done before, and it probably has. I couldn't believe that Alex loves me too and that right now I am kissing her.  I couldn't believe how cliche my life sounds. I couldn't believe she loves me too. 

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