8. Would You Do It For A Scooby Snack?

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Isabelle ran into the clinic first, catching the attention of Deaton and Stiles who looked at her worriedly as Liam and Scott came from behind her holding a Dread Doctor.

"He's still alive," Scott said.

"Can you keep him alive?" Isabelle asked Deaton, tilting her head to the side.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive," Deaton admitted to the girl

"Screw keeping him alive," Liam said. "How do we get him to talk?"
"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough," Stiles said. Isabelle pointed to him as a form of agreement, earning a disapproving look from her brother. Liam looked up at the others.

"Do you hear that?" The Beta asked.

"Hear wh-?" Isabelle was cut off by the Dread Doctor bolting up. The five of them bent down, covering their ears at the high-pitched noise. The place shook as the Dread Doctor stood up from the table. Liam stood up, ready to chase it as Scott called out to the boy.

The Dread Doctor moved his arm up, blue lights beamed from his palm. Liam nearly flew across the room, bumping into supplies. The Dread Doctor walked out of the clinic, the door slamming behind him.

Scott looked around the room, bending down as the furniture flew across the room, shielding the door. Isabelle was in too much of a shock she didn't realize Liam had pulled her down with him. His arm was wrapped around her waist as she hid her face in the crock of his neck, trembling. Liam stood up once again as he say his Alpha walk towards the door, Isabelle stood up, walking to Stiles for comfort.

"Stop," Deaton called out to the werewolves, the lights bursting. "It's electrified." Deaton pointed out.

"The cane," Scott said softly, making Isabelle look at her brother with an eyebrow raised.

"They took it," Liam said. "They took the cane."
"Stupid werewolf hearing," Isabelle muttered to herself, crossing her arms.

The five gathered around a table, Scott flipped through a book.

"Maybe there's something in here," Scott spoke. "Something about how he was a Genetic Chimera." Isabelle watched her brother flip through the pages of the book.

"Mason had a vanishing twin," Deaton pointed out.

"And now we've got a vanishing Mason," Isabelle sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"What does that have to do with him turning into a two hundred and fifty year old French guy?" Liam asked. "How does that even happen?"

Isabelle glanced at her brother, his face showed he was thinking hard about something. Deaton noticed this too and pointed it out.

"Hold on," Deaton said. "Scott might have something." Scott looked up at his boss. "Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone. That's what made him a Genetic Chimera."
"The DNA was still there," Scott spoke.

"Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well."

"How?" Stiles and Isabelle asked at the same time, looking at the man.

"Life is energy," Deaton said. "Energy doesn't just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world but there are some rules that simply won't break."

"So Mason can't just be gone?" Liam asked.

"He still exist somehow in Sebastien," Isabelle replied, understanding what Deaton had said. "In some kind of form."
"A spark of energy," Deaton said. "A flicker of light."
Isabelle watched as Stiles held the helmet of the Dread Doctors in his hands. "Hang on," he spoke, the others turned to face him. "Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."

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