5. Giant Asshat

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Isabelle and Stiles watched as Parrish got closer to Theo and his pack.Theo walked into a room and returned with Lydia, holding her by her neck.

"Back off," Theo said. Tracy had let go of Valack, making him fall onto the floor.

Parrish continued to walk closer, not listening to Theo.

"I said back off," Theo said, digging his claws into Lydia's neck. Theo turned to Corey when Parrish came to a halt. "Take him."
"The guy's on fire," Corey protested.

"You'll heal. Do it."
Corey stepped back, Tracy taking matters into her own hands. She ran to the hellhound, digging her claws into his stomach. Parrish had thrown the Chimera off of him, making her fall. The Chimera pack was losing against the hellhound. Valack had drilled into the back of Theo's leg, making him fall over.

"Sorry Theo, but I'm not done with her yet," Valack said, bending down to pick Lydia up.

Stiles stepped behind Valack, ready to prevent him from taking Lydia anywhere. Corey was up against Parrish, being thrown across the hall, landing on top of Stiles.

The two teens began pounding on the door of the room Lydia was in, hoping to get it opened.

Theo kicked the door open, Isabelle and Stiles had ran through it with the Chimera following behind them.

"Stiles, Isabelle," Theo said, making the two roll their eyes and look at him. "I want her out of her too. I've got her scent."
"What do you want?" Stiles asked.
"What's the difference? I can find her. You can't."

Stiles and Isabelle followed Theo as he opened the door to the showers, all the males in their crouched down, hiding their faces in their arms. The three walked into the room, Theo had slightly pushed a guy away from a vent.

"It leads to the tunnels, doesn't it?" Theo asked.

"There's miles of them," Stiles said. "They could be anywhere by now."

"I thought you had her scent?" Isabelle asked as Theo leaned closer to the pipes.

"I lost it," The replied.

"So find it again," Stiles said.

"What do you smell down here?" Theo asked the two.

"Chemicals," Isabelle replied.

"And fecal matter. Although, I'm pretty sure the fecal matter is you," Stiles said.

"What the fecals matter with you," Isabelle said. "Get it, cause fecals kind of sounds like fu-"

"I smell it too," Theo said, cutting Isabelle off. "It's all that I can smell. Which is why I'm trying something else. So can you two just shut up and let me concentrate."

"If I didn't find you a giant asshat I'd probably find you attractive," Isabelle mumbled, earning a look from both boys, Stiles with his eyebrows furrowed and Theo with a smirk planted on his face.

"Isabelle, we're gonna find her," Stiles said as he began to walk away.

"You know you won't, Stiles. You're going to have to trust me," Theo said, Isabelle and him following.

"Trust you?" Stiles asked. "The guy who murdered his own sister when he was nine?"
"Yeah, I was nine," Theo agreed. "I also believed a guy in a red suit came down the chimney to deliver presents. So when three people in leather masks showed up and said that my sister wanted me to have her heart, I believed them, too.
"So then together you gutted and killed her," Stiles said. "That's a beautiful story."
"I watched her fall into the water and freeze to death in minutes," Theo shot back. "Do you think I had any idea what was going on?"
"I think you pushed her. And I think you liked it."

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