7. Please Don't Kiss My Brother

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To say Isabelle was in a sticky situation was an understatement. As Scott and Liam ran and fought the Beast, Isabelle and Christian had stayed hidden in the classroom, sitting in the back of the room, on the floor. Their backs were pressed against the wall as they waited for a message from Scott.

"Ready to explain what the hell that was?" Christian asked, raising an eyebrow as he runs a hand through his hair.

"I don't have much of a choice, now do I?" Isabelle remarked, a slight smile playing at her lips.

"I think I got the main idea," Christian nodded.

"And that would be?"
"Your hometown's freaky, your brother and ex are werewolves. That thing from the game is some kind of beast that nobody knows who it is, at least not yet. Your brother's girlfriend is some supernatural creature that's kind of going awol," Christian paused. "And you aren't doing okay."
"How do you know?" Isabelle asked, tilting her head slightly. Christian let out a chuckle.

"I think it was pretty easy to figure out," Christian said. Christian smiled at the girl, a reassuring smile as he moved hair out of her face and behind her ear.

"You're not scared?"
"scared? No," Christian replied. "It's a little freaky. But for you, I'd put up with anything this world has to throw my way."
Isabelle smiled at the boy as the boy took hold of her hand, brushing his thumb over her knuckles. Isabelle placed her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes and releasing a sigh.

"I think," Christian spoke, making the girl lift her shoulder to look at him. "That if Scott were to not send us a message any time soon, I'd be okay with it."
"Why do you say that?" Isabelle asked

"Because I'd get to stay here, with you," Christian said softly. "Also," He choked out, placing his free hand on her cheek so that they were facing each other. She stared into his greenish-blue eyes with amusement. A moment of silence as he paused, making Isabelle speak up instead.

"What?" Isabelle asked with a chuckle. "What?" She repeated after he remained silent. Christian came closer, he removed his hand from hers so that both of his large hands were pressed to her cheek as he leaned in to kiss her. Isabelle was shocked by the action, placing a shoulder on his hand as she kissed back. It was a small, short kiss, nothing too extreme for either of them. They broke apart, noses touching as they rested their foreheads on each other.

Isabelle jumped backwards slightly as her phone went off.

"My phone," she said.

"Wow," Christian said. "That's what you have to say in the middle of our moment?" He joked.

"No," Isabelle chuckled. "It means we can get out of here."

Kira had driven Scott, Isabelle, and Christian off.. Kira had helped Scott up the stairs, the older teens saying their goodnights to the younger teens. There was a knock at the door, much to Isabelle's surprise, it was Stiles, Malia, and Braeden

"I thought you had a key?" She questioned, following the hyper-active boy up the stairs.

"I do but I left it at home," He shrugged, running up to Scott's bedroom door to see Scott and Kira kissing. Kira nodded her head to the two, Stiles closing the door in front of him.

"What?" Stiles asked Malia. "What did I do?"

"Tell him, tell them," Braeden said. Stiles looked at Malia with concern.

"You know how my mother wants to kill me?" Malia asked.

"Vividly," Isabelle said as Stiles nodded.

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