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I wake up to beeping. Annoying ass, non stop beeping.
"Shut the thing off.." I mumble to no one in particular.
"Sorry sweet cheeks. If I do that then you could die." A deep voice says. I jolt up at the all to familiar voice. 
"You're supposed to be dead." I growl under my breath.
"Nice to see you too..." he mumbles under his voice. This is when I get a clear look at him. He's much more...toned than I remember. Also the fact that he is not wearing a shirt and has cat ears on for the first time. "How's life been [N\N]?" Fitz asks me.
"Tohmpson told me you were dead."
"Tophmson was misinformed. Everyone was and that's exactly how it was supposed to go. I am dead." He says gesturing his hands out to the side. I glare at him. Then start laughing a little. Then it gets out of my control, and I'm laughing like a mad man.
"Seven years. Seven. Fucking. Years! I've been searching for you and you just show up to tell me your not dead?!" I swing my legs over the bed and stand up, but immediately fall back down.
"Careful. Your legs broken." Fitz says in a monotone voice.
"I heal fast." I say standing up and managing to maintain my balance. "See?" I say placing one foot in front of another as I make my way towards him. Only 3 steps away and...I face plant into his chest.
"Sure ya do." I feel him pick me up and set me back on the bed. "Now how on earth did you get in a bike crash in the middle of no where?" He asks pulling a metal chair up next to the bed.
"Well I-" flashes of memory come back to me. Sans being angry. Me losing my temper. Them.
"I got mad." Is all I say.
"And I assume you got mad at mr lover boy eh?" Fitz says holding up my locket.
"Give it back."
"Why should I?" He laughs. I stand up and lunge at him, but he stand up and holding it over my head.
"No fair! Your a fucking giant, now give it back!" I shout at him.
"Meh I'm not that tall. You're just short." I pull my arms back down to my side and growl as I kick Fitz as hard as possible in the shin. He bowls out in pain and drops the locket, which lands in my grasp. I immediately put it on and stick my tongue out at him.
"Thanks asshole!" I say sitting back down on the edge of the bed.
"You're a tough one arentcha?" Fitz laughs again.
"Sure am. Now can I get a ride back home or something? We can talk there-"
"No." Fitz says his tone turning dark.
"Why not?"
"You don't understand why I am 'dead'." He looks away and takes a heavy sigh.
"Well, care to explain?" I say placing a hand on his shoulder. He looks up and smirks at me. With another sigh, he looks away from me.
"I've....I'm the worlds number one criminal right now." I gasp.
"I've been killing people for the past 4 years, in a fit of rage. I 'died' 4 months ago. Because...I couldn't take it anymore. I...I broke."he looks down with a grim aura.
"So you're the one who killed them." I say feeling tears brim my eyes. My adoptive parents. Killed by my best friend.
"I'm sorry. I...they were the first I killed. I was so mad that they took you away from me....I was empty without you [Y/N]....you made me happy!" He grabs me by the shoulders and looks in my eyes. What shocks me is there are tears in his eyes.
"You.." now my tears begin to fall.
"[Y/N] I love you! You're my sister, and when you left I couldn't do anything with my self! I went to the underground and hid in the forest, I couldn't face anyone! I was the freak who finally made it to the surface, then chose to come back! You gave me life and-" I push Fitz off of me and slap him.
"Idiot! I love you too! But you pushed me out that day and you are the one at fault! I forgive you damnit, just shut up!" Fitz looks at the ground, tear stained eyes.
"Just give me my stuff, my bike then I'll be out of here. I'll come back later if I feel like it...." I look down. "I'm sorry too." Fitz sighs and stands up. "You don't have to be sorry for anything. How's your leg?"
"No idea..." I look down and unwrap the bandages on my leg and try standing up. This time it's successful.
"Good. This means you can ride. Your clothes are on the chair over there," he points to a recliner in the corner "and once you're done just leave the room and out the front door then you'll see me out side with your bike. I'll guest you a map to find your way home and some food....and one last thing. It's in that box." He turns and leaves the room. I sigh and close the door after him, then walk/limp over to the chair. I change back into my jeans, t shirt and leather jacket, pulling on my socks and boots, noticing a stitching in the jeans and shirt, most likely from when I crashed, then walk over to the box he was talking about. Opening it, there is a [F/C] and deep ocean blue pendant in there. I take it out and throw the cord it is placed on over my neck. Then I turn and leave the room. I find a kitchen outside the door, along with a living room. Looks like a normal log cabin.... I also locate the front door, then open it up cautiously and walk out. There I see Fitz standing by my bike adding a little bag to it.
"The food is in here. And that pendant...it'll just help you find your way back here if you wish too. Try not to loose it, it was expensive to get made." He chuckles.
"Yeah. Whatever. Thanks for helping me out..."
"Actually, kinda saved your life.." he mumbles but I pretend not to hear it. I walk over to my bike and sit down on it, using the keys to start it up.
"Thanks again. I'll...I'll see you soon."
"And, you won't tell anyone right."
"No. I won't. See ya." I wave, he waves back, as I pull my bike off of his lawn and into the road, on my way home.

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