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I had woken up at about 2 am.
"Christmas" I whisper to myself. But I'm cut off as Frisk basically knocks down my door and tackles me jumping up and down.
"[Y/N] [Y/N] WAKE UP ITS CHRISTMAS!!" She shouts.
"Yeah yeah I get it!" I say pushing her off of me. She giggles then runs out of my room. I sighs and get up out of bed and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and hair, and continue to stay in my sweatpants and hoodie that I have. Eventually I walk out of my room and see Frisk being held in a yellow glow in the hallway. G is in the door frame of his room basically lecturing her. He sighs and drops her down, before noticing me.
"Hey [N/N]. Guess Frisk woke you up too?"
"Nah I woke up like 3 seconds before she bursted into my room." I laugh.
"My child, Frisk what have I told you about jumping on people this early!"
"Sorry mom...."Frisk mumbles. I hear Toriel sigh at the bottom of the stairs.
"Well I guess we could open a few presents before the rest of the gang get here." toriel says. Frisk immediately jumps up and runs downstairs. G sighs and I start to follow Frisk downstairs, before G stops me by grabbing my arm.

"You get your present first." He pulls me into his room, which reeks of the smell of cigarettes. But I suppose that is do to the fact that there is a giant box full of burned cigarette out cigars in the corner. He pushes me over to his bed which is in the corner, and sits me down. He then leans in so our faces are about an inch apart.

"My real name 'aint g. It's Gaster Sans. Only a select few get to call me Sans, such as my brother and the kid, and Tori and all of them. And I want you to be a part of that select group." He says smiling genuinely at me. I blush from out faces being so close.

"Your breath reeks of cigar." I blurt out.

"Woah where did that come from?" He says with a chuckle.

"we...NEED PRESENTS! YEAH THAT'S IT!" I screech standing up and pushing him to the floor. I rush out of the room and downstairs, and I can hear him chuckling in the background. Still flustered I walk into the living room and flop over the back of the couch. Frisk, sitting on the floor, and Toriel sitting on the recliner I had ordered a few months back. It just arrived yesterday so that was good that it got here in time. I hear a little 'pop' noise, and look over to the other part of the couch, only to see the one and only G sitting there. Well I guess I should call him Sans now...but whatever. I sigh and look back towards Frisk.
"Whadya get?" Frisk just smiles, and I see a ton of melted white chocolate on her teeth. "That was a nice sight." I say looking away and rubbing the left over sleepiness out of my eyes.
"What about you Toriel?"
"Oh yes. I got a new recipe book for making pies and other sweets, and a new snail fact book, because I left the last one in the underground. Thank you all!" We had all pitched in to pay for the books.
"[Y/N] you open this one, and G you open this one!" Frisk says tossing one [F/C] wrapped box to me, and a yellow wrapped one to G. I open mine and pull out a plain black leather jacket for biking.
"Sweet I've been needing a new one!" I say tossing it on. G opens his after me and he has an identical jacket. He chuckles and puts it on too.
"That's not all! Hug each other now!" Frisk shouts excitedly.
"Because it's a surprise!" Suddenly I feel g wrap me up in a hug, and place next to him. As soon as our jackets got close to each other, the places closest to where they were connected started glowing [F/C] on my jacket and a dusty yellow on G's.
"Sweet. Matching jackets." He smiles and chuckles at me. I smile back, and a yellow glow dusts over his cheeks, as he leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips. Obviously forgetting Toriel and Frisk where there. Once he pulls away and we look at the two, Frisk was squealing and Toriel was staring at us with a blank expression.
"Y-you...G just...k-kissed..." she says obviously in shock.
"Idiot." I mumble to g. "You forgot they were here didn't you." We had been trying to keep this 'thing' on the low lines for now.
"Sorry...I couldn't resist it." He says rubbing the back of his head.
"OH MY GOD I KNEW YOU TWO WERE DATING!" Frisk screams tackling us. "KISS AGAIN KISS AGAIN!" She says pushing our heads close together.
"Yeah not gonna do that." I say. But g just smirks and kisses me on the cheek.
"OMG OMG I GOTTA TELL ALPHYS!!" Frisk pulls out her phone and starts rapidly typing.
"Kid don't do that well all die!" G said. Looking at Toriel she was still in shock. But I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the front door bursts open.
"G AND [Y/N] ARE WHAT!" Undyne and alphys scream in unison. I just pull my legs up to my chest and hug myself. G is sitting next to me blushing a little bit, but is still laughing. While alphys undyne and Frisk are torturing me with questions, king asgore papyrus and mettaton all start pouring in. Grilby couldn't come because he had to keep the shop open. It was now about 8 o clock, so everyone started opening their presents. Toriel snapped out of her trance like state and started getting out some pie and setting it on the counter, while Frisk and alphys made piles of presents in front of whoever they were marked for. Once they were done, Frisk by far had the most presents. Once Toriel came back with the pie, everyone started opening their presents except for me and G.
"Sweet! Alphys we got a whole 6 season anime pack!" Undyne screeches. Papyrus got mettaton a necklace, and mettaton got papyrus a new jacket. Which looked quiet expensive. Undyne got a set of boxing gloves from me, and I got alphys a mew mew kissy cutie fan pack with a ton of random merchandise. Toriel got some new oven mitts and cooking utensils from all of us, and asgore got a ton of rare teas. Frisk had gotten an assortment of toys and action figures, along with some merchandise from her favorite game, along with a lot more. Once everyone finished opening their presents, they looked at g and I. I sighed and picked up one of my presents opening it. I got a new pair of boots from mettaton, I thanked him, then opened one from papyrus. He got me an entire book series that I've been meaning to read. Again I thanked him, then moved on to the next few. I got a tiger stuffed animal from Toriel and asgore, and Frisk got me a $100 gift card to some sort of exercise and athletic store in the next town over. I thanked all of them, and then I was done with gifts. Before g pulled out a sleek black box and tossed it on my lap. I opened it and saw it was a golden and silver locket. Opening it, it had a picture of the two of us at the fair. I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek, and put it on.
"Thanks G." I say smiling at him. He smiled back and a little blush was on his cheek from me kissing him. Then g started opening his presents. He got a pair of boxing gloves from undyne, they were kind of like my fingerless ones. He got a new phone from alphys, seeing as he broke his last one in a fight at school. He also got a stuffed animal from Toriel and asgore, except this one was a wolf. Then he got a comic book set from Frisk, and papyrus and mettaton got him a coffee machine with a ton of different coffee flavors. Seeing as he is basically a coffee-holic. Once he was done he thanked everyone and looked at me. I grabbed him by the hand and motioned for everyone else to follow as well. I lead him to the garage and opened the door after covering his eyes. Once we got to the second part of the garage, I lifted my hands to reveal a motorcycle similar to mine. It was yellow and black, obviously his favorite colors. He turns around and thanks me.
"Guess I have a use for the jacket now." He says hugging me. He also gives me a kiss on the cheek, "I love you." He says.

The worst way (gaster Sans X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz