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"Sweet the nerd actually got donuts!" Undyne screeches snatching the box of donuts from my hands. Alphys hops down the stairs and over to the door.
"S-sorry about her..." she motions for me to lean closer which I do. "She was actually the one craving donuts." She whispers. We both giggle after it.
"STOP GIGGLING AND GET YOUR BUTTS IN HERE SO WE CAN WATCH ANIME!" Undyne screams. I sigh and follow alphys as she leads me inside.
"Wow. Looks like you guys got settled in." I say looking around the highly decorated lounge room. There is a couch that could hold about 6 people, 2 recliners, and bean bag chairs lining the floor. With a flat screen tv attached to the wall, along with about a million consoles lined underneath it.
"Yeah! And look at how stocked out kitchen is!" Undyne shouts. I turn my head to look towards the kitchen, and see multiple chip bags and soda cans lining the counters. And I don't even want to guess what is in the fridge...with an obviously overstuffed pantry next to the fridge. I laugh a little.
"Wish my kitchen was as stocked as your guy's It use'd to be, but then ya know. Tori Frisk and G moved in." I say with a shrug of the shoulders as I plop down on their recliner that was farthest from the door.
"Oh are things g-going with you and Sans? I-I'm surprised you didn't ask if he could c-come along..." alphys asks sitting down on the couch. Not wanting to tell her about our little quarrel today...I just smile and state
"Were fine. He just had to study for finals."
"Oh....why aren't you studying!?" Alphys asks.
"Because I already studied. Now we gonna watch this or what?!" I say pumping my fists up and down.
"Hell yeah we are!" Undyne shouts jumping over the back of the couch landing next to alphys. She picks up the Xbox controller placed on the coffee table and starts playing the show. I lean back in the recliner and rest my arms behind my head, watching the show, deep in thought.

I honestly shouldn't be so mean to Sans....this is really beating him up obviously. But he just made me mad! I mean if he can make me mad enough to change my fucking eye then....ugh just calm down [Y/N]. Deep breath exercise the man taught you. In. Out. In. Out. Okay this isn't working.

Sighing I open my eyes again and look over to see Undyne and alphys asleep. Pulling out my phone I catch that it's 10:29.
"What the hell..." I mumble under my breath. Must have been 'thinking' for a while. Standing up I grab the Xbox controller and shut off the marathon, then grabbing a blanket on the floor I cover up Undyne and alphys. I leave through the front door, locking it after me. And walk over to my bike. Hoping on it, I search through my pockets for my keys, when my phone starts buzzing with messages. Sighing and pulling it out again I look at it to see 30 messages all from Frisk toriel...and the most Jurassic of all, Sans. Toriel and Frisk left messages of "[Y/N] when are you going to be home?" And "hey where are you, we're getting worried." Then Sans. "Where are you?!" "[Y/N] you've been missing for 3 hours. Where. Are. You?!" I ended up with 15 messages from him and six missed calls. I sigh and call the house phone. Which is immediately answered by toriel.
"[Y/N]?! Where have you been we were so worried!"
"I'm fine Tori. I was hanging with undye and alphys and we all fell asleep. I'll be home in a few." I hear mumbling from the other line and then toriel's voice comes back loud and clear.
"Are you still there? Sans is coming to get you now."
"Yes I'm still here and tell him to stay home I'm fine-" I'm cut off by my phone being grabbed by a boney hand. Turning around I see Sans there slamming the end call button, then shoving the phone in his pocket.
"Why the hell haven't you called me?! I've been worried sick just to find out you've been 'hanging' with Undyne and alphys?! You're a fucking idiot!!" He says grabbing me by the shoulders. Tears come to my eyes as I push him away.
"FUCKING ASSHOLE! DON'T EVEN CARE TO ASK HOW I'VE BEEN?" I push him so hard he falls down. I clench my fists and turn towards my bike.
"[Y/N]....?" G asks sounding scared.
"Calm down. Calm down. Calm- AGH FUCK THIS!" I walk around my bike multiple times before hopping on and starting it up.
"[Y/N] wait!" Sans says standing up. But too late, I've already left him in the dust of my bike.
You're going to fast
Slow down
Calm down. It's not worth risking your life.
Just shut up and let me handle this.
Speed. I've made it past the gate and I'm heading towards the abandoned highway.
Find quiet place
Please. Slow down.
"IM FINE!" I shout out into the night.

My bike
Slips off the road.
I told you. Too fast.
It was worth it. Look how far we got.
On the ground. Bloody. Crying.




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