Date (Part 1)

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The bell just rang, indicating that study hall was out. We always had a study hall on Fridays and Mondays during seventh period. I go back to my locker, and get all of my stuff out, then walk to the office to pick up Frisk. As soon as she spots me from behind the counter, where I assume she was helping the secretary, she runs over to me and tackle me with a hug.
"Oh, and [Y/N], the counselor has just gotten back from his trip, and he will meet with you tomorrow. I'm sorry it took so long, but there was a storm at the airport where he was supposed to land, so they shut it down." The secretary says to me with a smile. I smile back.
"That's fine. I'm glad he made it back safely. Could you ask him if we could meet at study hall Monday afternoon?"
"Of course. I'll talk to him." She says. I smile and wave, and lead Frisk out of the office.
"Need anything from your locker?"
"Nope I finished all of my homework already." She smiles at me. I'm glad she has been getting more comfortable around here, and that she has started talking more. I pat her on the head.
"Well, you are one of the smartest kids in our school."
"Psh please. I am the smartest kid in this school." Frisk states boldly.
"You little butt!" I say chasing her through the halls. We run outside to the parking lot and see Sans standing there next to our bikes. He has his leather jacket on. Once he notices us run out, he walks over and hands me my jacket. Once I put it on, it starts glowing [F/C] //forgot to mention this last chapter, if your favorite color is black then it will glow a light gray instead.// while G's starts glowing the dusty yellow, that matches his blush.
"Aw, the freak is dating a creepy skeleton!" The most horrid voice I have ever heard says. Turning around, I see Tiffany, standing there with her bitch squad. Consisting of herself, Stephanie, Britney, and Conna.
"Nice one Tiff." Stephanie says.
"Oh hey girls!" I say in the most bitchy voice I can muster. "Sorry to tell you, but this bitch is off limits." I say jabbing thumbs at myself. "I don't want anything to do with you, and I know you definitely want something to do with me. I mean, I am pretty cool"
"Hah!" They all laugh in unison. "As if!" Conna says. I also laugh in my best fake voice.
"Wow girls! That was a pretty good comeback! Or should I say, cum back. Because, we all know you love cum."
"Well at least we can get some!" Britney says.
I am about to snap back before Sans grabs my shoulder.
"Look, they can't do anything. And let's just go home already. I mean, you still want to go on a date right?" He asks.
"Yeah...I do." I say. Frisk behind me starts jumping up and down.
"Will you just stopppp" I say turning back to her. Sans and Frisk both laugh. So do I, as I grab my bike keys out of my pocket.
"Hey bitch! Pay attention to us!" Tiffany says pulling me around to face her.
"Why should I?"
"Because now you got a reason to!" She says punching me in the jaw bone. I stumble back and out of her grip. Sans starts to rush over to me, but I am already gone. I feel it happening. As my skin feels like it's on fire. My vision turns blurry, most likely meaning my eyes are turning black with [F/C] irises. I lunge at Tiffany, and tackle her to the ground. The other girls try to run, but I summon my black shadow minions, and they slam them all into the ground. They all cry out in pain. And my attention turns back to Tiffany.
"HOW DARE YOU LAY A FINGER ON ME!?" I scream in a demonic tone. I raise up my fist, and am about to bring it down before my hand is grabbed, and I am pulled back into someone's chest.
"Shhh. [Y/N]...come on...come back to me..." the soothing voice of Sans say. I close my eyes, and breath in the scent of him. Vanilla, and burnt wood. With a small bit of cigarette smoke.
"Did you smoke earlier...?" I whisper out.
"Heh...I can't get anything past you." He says. He leans down and kisses my forehead.
"Let's just go home." He says. Opening my eyes again, I see him looking down at me with a genuine smile. Turning my head, as I hear violent coughing, I see the bitch squad laying on the floor, trying to crawl away.
"Awe come on. I wasn't that hard on you!" I say. They all look back at me and screech. Before scrambling up and running away at a speed that I thought was impossible for humans. I laugh as they run away, but I feel g hug me tighter. As I look at him, I see tears brimming his eyes.
"G?" I ask him.
"Please don't do that again...I care about you and that...that scared me...I thought you..." he says. His tears start falling onto my face, and I wipe them away. Sitting up into a more comfortable position, I wipe the tears off of his face.
"Hey...Sans come on it's okay..." I say. He grabs my hands that are rested on his cheekbones, and just holds them there in place.
"[Y/N] I love you. I don't want you to get hurt." He says.
"I love you too g...Sans," I say. I still have a little bit of trouble on his name. "but it'll be okay." I smile at him. He smiles back, and I feel Frisk walking up behind me. Looking back I see her singing at a very fast pace.
'G what happened to [Y/N]? Is she okay? Is she back to normal? Can she walk? I just wanna go home!'
"Frisk..."I say looking up at her. She is currently taller than Sans and I who are sitting on the pavement. "It's okay. I'm sorry I scared you." Frisk sighs in relief.
'Can we just go home now? I need to calm down a bit'
"Of course shortstack!" I say to her. She laughs slightly and leans down grabbing my hand. I lift myself up and Sans stands up after me. Both of our jackets still glowing the comforting hue from us being so close. I smile at him, and he smiles back. He pulls out his bike keys, and I do to. As Frisk pulls out a smaller leather jacket I gave her for when she rides with us, I hand her the helmet she uses, and I put on mine. Sitting down on my bike with Frisk behind me hugging my waist, I look over and see Sans ready to go as well. After smiling at him, I start up my bike and start driving away. Hearing Sans bike also roar to life, he follows us home.

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