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I didn't really leave the exercise room for the next week. We had a break at school do to there being criminals in the area, so that gave me more time to punch. My fists and gloves were stained with dry blood. I only left for dinner now. I would take slight naps too, but mainly I would stay in the room. I was just now punching. And slight tears came to my eyes. Me thinking of the pain I once inflicted on others. Thinking of what G said to me, and how I reacted. I guess I did like him a tiny bit, which was amazing. I haven't liked anyone since.....since I was adopted. I stop punching and fall to the floor. I miss him. The one I would do everything with. Before I was taken away by my now dead parents. G kind of reminds me of him....he would always stay off to the side, not really interacting with others. He would always be rude to those he didn't know, or rude to anyone in general. The only difference is that he cared for me. We only had each other. We would share our food, we would sneak out for each other, and he would always take the punishment for me. All those scars from the owner of the orphanage...all those bruises. He got all of those because of me. I stand up and go over to the little medical table in the corner. I pull of my gloves, and start cleaning my fists. Once I'm done I wipe my tears away. I also go to a little dresser in the other corner of the room, and pull on some sweatpants. I then leave the room, and go downstairs to eat. And speak of the devil, dinner was just now ready. And it smelled great. Frisk noticed I was downstairs, and came over and gave me a big hug.
"Hey short stack." I pat her on the head. She looks up and me and puffs out her cheeks. Then she takes me by the hand and walks me over to the table, being careful of the bandages on my hands. Thank god she hasn't asked about them. She sits me down, then plops down next to me. After a while Toriel starts setting food on the table, and g wanders out of his room. He sits down across from me, and Toriel next to him. I immediately grab some of the potatoes and put them on my plate, along with some white chicken meat. Toriel serves Frisk, and g gets some food for himself.
"Thank you for cooking Toriel." I say. My voice is more timid then I expected.
"Of course my child." She smiles at me gently.
They know something is going on with me. But why don't they ask?
A few minutes passed, and I guess I jinxed it.
"[Y/N] if you don't mind my asking....why had you been in that room for so long?" Toriel asks. I sigh,
"I've been thinking."
"About what exactly?"
"Well I was-"
"She was moping about what I said to her in pe last Friday." I freeze. G had just said that to Toriel. But that was only part of it.
"What did he say to you?" Toriel asks.
"Exactly what he said..." I mumble. I take my plate and fork and bring it upstairs with me. I go back into the exercise room and start eating up there. I finish my food, and decide not to take the dishes back downstairs yet. I don't want another confrontation. I pull my gloves back on and start punching again. More aggressively. G said exactly what he said the day I left.

"[Y/N]!" He screamed at me before I left out the front doors. I look back at him, tears in my eyes. "Where are you going?" He asked confused. That happy smile on his face.
"Fitz....I was adopted..."
Complete horror took over his face.
"What?" Tears came to his teal blue eyes.
"I'm sorry. But I'll come back to visit! And I'm trying to get them to adopt you too!"
"Don't even bother...." he looked down at the floor.
"Did you really think I cared about you? I was just taking care of you so the other kids and instructors wouldn't kill you...your weak and useless. And I didn't want your death on my conscious." He says still looking down.
"T-that's a lie..." I said with tears in my eyes.
"See. Your too weak to accept the truth."
"[Y/N]!" My new mother happily cheered.
"C-coming..." I turn away from Fitz. "I still love you Fitz...your my best friend..." I run out the door, my backpack bouncing back and forth on my back, tears falling to the ground.

How could he have done that to me...
I loved him...and he loved me to. I give another punch to the punching bag, and it swings off the hook keeping it attached to the ceiling. I scream out frustrated, and go to look at it. Sure enough, it had a huge hole in the side and the sand in it was seeping out. I sigh and flip it over, to stop the sand from leaking out. Picking it up, I walk out of the exercise room, and down the stairs. I walk into the garage where he huge trash bin is and dump the broken bag into it. I then go back inside, stoping at the utility closet, with all of the cleaning supplies in it, and grab the vacuum. Rushing back up stairs, I start vacuuming up all the sand that fell out. Once I'm don't I put the vacuum back, and walk to my room. I change out of my clothes, and jump in the shower. I quickly wash myself off, and get out. I dress in some ripped jeans, and a tank top, with my leather jacket. I throw on my convers, and grab my motorcycle keys. I run downstairs, and notice how quiet it is. Until I hear a blasting noise come from the theater room. I guess they are watching a movie. I go into the garage, and open up the garage door. I hop on my motor cycle, and start it up. I pull out of the garage, it closing automatically behind me, and I pull out and down the driveway. I ride out of the town and into a neighboring one. I go up to the athletic store, and order a new punching bag to be shipped to my house.
"Yes of course we can do that mam. But it might take a few weeks, we don't keep our punching bags here." The man at the counter says. I scoff,
"Then you got any punching gloves?"
"Yes they are over there" he points to the clothing section, and I venture off to find them eventually I find some. I choose some Red fingerless ones, [F/C] fingerless, and some Black ones with fingers on them. I walk up to the counter and pay, also ordering the punching bag, then walk out. I walk over to my motor bike, to find some guys, gang members leaning on a wall next to where it is parked. I ignore them and walk over to the bike. Unzipping the pouch where I keep stuff like repair tools, and water and snacks on the bike, I throw in the black and [F/C] gloves, while putting okay the red ones.
"Hey boys. Look at that one." One of the gang members says to me. I roll my eyes as I hear them walking over to me. The one who spoke first came up behind me and started rubbing on me.
"Hey girl, wanna have a good time?" I growl, and turn around, and punch him in the face. I see the other two pull something out, and soon realize they are guns.
"Try me bitches!" I shout. One of them walks up to me aiming the gun at me. As soon as he gets close enough to me, I kick him in the gut. And with a quick swipe I steal the gun out of his grasp. I point it at him, and he runs back to the other two guys. "Pussy" I spit at him. The other two pull up their guns, and pull the trigger. One bullet hits my shoulder and I dodge the other one. I hear a pop like sound behind me, and the guys faces turn into pure horror. Im on the ground gripping my shoulder, tears threatening to spill. The guys are now on their knees, in a position like they are begging for mercy. I laugh, and a ringing sound can be heard in the back of my head.
"Fuck...I'm loosing to much blood." I mumble. I fell a hand grip my shoulder, and I swing around pointing the gun at the figure. I can't tell who it is though. But I know they are someone trying to help. They push the gun away and wrap their arms around me.
"Are you okay?" I hear G's voice whisper in my ear.
"I'm fine. Just get me out of here..." he nods, and picks me up, walking over to my motor bike. He places one hand on it, and the world gets all fuzzy. I feel like I am about to puke. And as soon as that shitty feeling came, it disappeared. My vision clears and we are in a warehouse of some sort. I look around and see my motor bike right next to us. Looking around more, there are a few tough looking monsters. They snarl when they see me, and a male monster, that looks almost human, walks up. The only way I can tell he isn't human is the dark grey cat ears on top of his head, and the dark grey and white tale on his back side.
"G! Why the hell would you bring a human here?!" I hold onto g a bit tighter, frightened by this guys aggressive appearance. G looks down and sees me scared.
"Tohmpson calm down. Your scaring her."
"Awe, little baby human scared?" He says in a mocking tone. I get fed up and signal g to set me down. He does so and I look right at the monster with a glare that could kill.
"Sorry, thought you were a tiger. But I guess you just a little kitty!" I say in a child like voice. I then pat his head, and rub his ear. He kinda purrs and a blush rises to his face. All the other monster stare at me like I'm crazy. I smirk and pull away from this so called Tohmpson, and walk back to g.
"And for you information, I was hurt so G brought me here." Tohmpson growls.
"You don't look very hurt."
"Hmp. I heal fast. But a bullet is still inside my shoulder, and I would prefer to not leave it there." Tohmpson sighs, and looks back. He whistles, and soon a dog like monster comes out.
"G? You really trust this girl?"
"Yes." G states obviously un-amused. The dog monster notices my shoulder, and rushes up to me.
"Oh my god! It looks like you've lost half of your blood!" He says examining my shirt. He starts to take it off but I slap his hand away.
"You can just tear off the sleeve to look at my shoulder." He nods.
"But first let's get back to my lab. My name is Lancer by the way" he gives me a warm smile, and offers me his hand. I stare at it. "O-oh, I just thought I'd offer you some support while walking...you have lost a lot of blood and you could be light headed and pass-"
"Yeah I know." I am about to take his hand, when G puts his in place instead.
"Ill be the one helping her Lance." G sends a glare at lancer, and he is obviously frightened. I look at g confused, but he ignores me. Lancer starts walking away and G leads me after him. As soon as we leave the room I can heat Tohmpson yelling something about either hurting me, or not hurting me. I couldn't really tell. As we make it into what I assume is the infirmary, lancer gestures to a table. G walks be over there and sits me down on it, and he stands barely a foot away from me.
Well, good to know he has mood swings. Just like Fitz...one minute he'll be pissed at me....next he won't leave my side for the next hour.
"U-um what happened?" I am about to start explaining when g cuts in.
"She got shot." He says. I can sense a bit of irritation in his voice. Lance nods
"And I'm assuming the bullet pierced the skin?"
"Yes." G says again. I sigh.
"Be nicer." I knock him on the back of the head. Just like I did with Fitz. And he grabbed his head and looked at me.
"Ow" he complained. Just like Fitz...god they are too similar.
"Uh...well I'll have to extract the bullet then. Hopefully it is in one piece." He turns back, and starts grabbing tools. I look at g, and he looks at me.
"I'm...uh..." I look down ashamed somewhat. "Afraid of needles."
G looks at me, then laughs.
"My god! Really?! You aren't afraid of three guys with guns, yet your afraid of needles?" He asks laughing like crazy. I get frustrated and punch him.
"Can you just cover my eyes or something while he is doing it?" G keeps laughing, and I get more and more ashamed.
"Ugh. Go ahead and fucking laugh. I don't know why I even asked you. You don't care anyways."

The worst way (gaster Sans X reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz