Liam and I tried to hold our laughter in but I failed, like always.

"Sure Louis, lets go." I stood up off the floor when I suddenly remembered something.

"Wait" I announced, Louis and Liam looked back at me, "Who else is coming? Or is it just going to be us?"

"Harry and Zayn are also coming! It's going to be a boys' day out"

Liam and I looked at each other skeptically and then looked back at Louis, "Are you sure?" Liam asked cautiously.

"Yeah, why?"

"Do you really want to leave Mandy in a house alone with Demi after what just happened?"

"Well she's not alone, she's got Ariana"

"Yeah, I see that" Liam sighed, "But if Mandy goes to attack Demi again? I don't think Ariana can stand her."

"I can take care of us, you know. I'm not handicap and we'll just stay in our room and have a movie night" Ariana interrupted, walking up to us.

"Are you sure?" Liam questioned.

"I'm positive! Nothing will happen, I can assure you that!"


"Well then! It's see it's all settled. Ariana, you and Demi have fun with your movie day with chick flicks and all your girly things"


"And" Louis continued, completely ignoring Ariana. "The boys and I will go and have some fun, get out of the house. Have a boys day. We'll bring you home some dinner if you want. Or you can order room service, it gets charged to the bill and it's all your choice."

"Okay! Thank you Louis!" She chirped happily and went off.

"Harry!!!! ZAYNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!" Louis screamed, "IT'S TIME TO GOOOOOOOO!"

"You're going somewhere?" Mandy popped her head out and scanned the room, her eyes landing on my, narrowing. "Oh, YOU'RE going. I'm not interested anymore, sorry to interrupt" She finished off, her voice getting more fake by the minute.

She slammed the door, going back in 'her' room and I glared at the spot she used to stand in. She is so getting on my nerves, I can't take it anymore.

"We're here, we're here. Missed us?" Harry smirked cockily while the three of us just rolled our eyes.

"We all ready now" Harry, Zayn, Liam and I all nodded our heads and walked out the door, ready for our guys day.


*Brad's POV*

I finally landed in the bahamas after the long trip and I was more ready than ever to find Demi.

During the long flight, I did some more research. And I found pictures and articles about which hotel they're staying at.

Now, I just need to talk the desk worker into giving me the room number.


I arrived at the hotel with a rental car, parked and went inside. At the desk, I saw a girl with her shirt pulled down a little too much and her chomping on bubble gum.

I wonder how she got this job, who would let her work her? But somebody else's mistake is my advantage, I can play her over easily.

I walked over to the slu- I mean girl, and she looks in my direction when I get a little closer to her.

She smirked 'flirtatiously' at me, "Can I help you sir?" She asked, leaning over the counter, revealing her breasts so much more than they should be.

"Yes, you can" I gave her a charming smile, flashing her my teeth. "I was actually wondering where some one's room was located here in this building."

Her smile immediately fell when I said those few words, "Oh" she started of being snobby, "Are you going to see a girlfriend or something?"

"No, I'm actually single" I smirked at her and pretended to yawn, reaching my hands over my head, revealing my six pack through my, now tight, v neck.

"Really?" She asked, now so much more interested.

"Yeah, really" I smirked, knowing I now got my way.

"Well, I'll tell you the room number for the person you need, but first" She started, walking over to me, running her hand down my chest. "You have to do something for me" She pulled back and winked at me.

"I get off of my shift right now actually, and I live upstairs, lets go. Then I'll give you the room number" She walked in front of me, pulling me behind her. I looked down to her ass to see her over exaggerate swinging it back and forth. I bit my bottom lip and thought

'maybe this will be beneficial for the both of us'


After we finished our 'business' together, she told me which room number Demi was in. But it was a little harder, she was signed in under that stupid band's name. The little bitch.

The lady at the desk (whose name I still didn't find out) told me that she's on the eighty fifth floor, the top floor in room 85D, the largest suite they have.

I walked into the elevator and clicked on the button that read '85'. After getting up their, I went left down the hall and looked on the right side for the suite number that she gave me directions to.

I stopped when I saw the suite number that kept repeating in my head, I held my hand up to knock on the door when it opened before I got the chance to knock.

I looked up surprised, but my face dropped when I saw it was one of the members of the stupid boy band. If Demi never met them, then I wouldn't of fought with her, she wouldn't have broken up with ME and she'd still be mine. But no! They had to come and ruin everything.

"Who are you?" The guy asked skeptically.

"I am a friend of Demi's, I heard she was taking a vacation here and I am here to see her"

"Oh really? Hey Demi! A friend of yours is here!" A smirk grew on my face as I saw her walk through a door and into the living room.

"A friend? I don't have any friends in the bah- BRAD!?" She started but cut herself off when she saw me.

"Missed me baby?"


AN: I'M SO SORRY I LEFT YOU WITH THIS CLIFFHANGER! And sorry for the shortness of it! DX

But 20 votes again for the next chapter since it is so short :P

And please remember to comment and vote :D

Love you guys <3

The Coffee Girl (Diall Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora