I grabbed her wrist, and dashed through to the center of the crowd, and there it was... I gasped when I saw it... I couldn't believe my eyes and what I was seeing... There it was, my one and only phone... And it was in the hand of a complete stranger... She seemed to be really proud of it, as she showed it off to the entire student body...

"See this?" she bragged out loud shamelessly. "I found it on my way home from the mall. And guess what? It's not just anyone's phone, but Jessica Raymond's!" She squealed like a little piggy as she bragged on and on about my phone... The crowd gasped, and there were "Ooh"s and "Ah"s here and there.

I bit my bottom lip hard and tightened my fist, trying prevent myself from charging at that little bitch and tearing all of that Barbie hair right off her head...

Beth shot me a look of concern, and shook her head gently. "We need to get it back, Jess... "

I nodded towards her. "But how? It's not like I can go up there and be all like, 'Hey that's my phone, please give it back' or something..."

Beth grinned at me, and I knew she was up to something... "Well, you can't get it back as Caroline Smith, but who says they won't give it back to you if you were Jessica Raymond?"

I quickly shook my head. "No way! Wouldn't it be fishy if Jessica Raymond were to show up at this school all of a sudden?! And to top it off, a certain girl named Caroline Smith just happens to be missing as well?! They would definitely suspect something! I don't want to cause suspicions this early..."

Beth pouted, and crossed her arms across her chest. "I was just trying to help! Geez, there you go, totally ruining my ego..."

I giggled, before slapping her playfully on the arm. "Beth!"

"Well, why don't you think of something better then, genius?"

"Fine then, I will!" I stuck my tongue out at her.


"So this is your brilliant plan?!" Beth screamed at me, with disbelief.

I nodded happily at her like a five year old child.

She groaned.

"Oh come on! It's not that bad!" I cried.

"Umm, yes it is. It's got to be the absolute cheesiest plan in all of history!" she yelled.

"Just shush and go along with it!" I rolled my eyes, annoyed, as I dragged her behind the tree.

We watched, as the blonde entered the house, which I guess was hers...

Just what the fuck were we doing, you ask? Well, we're spying on her of course! Why? Well, cuz she has my phone! And let me repeat that. My phone!

"So yeah..." began Beth, awkwardly. "Umm... So now we know where she lives... And then what?"

"We sneak in, and take my phone," I said casually, as I shrugged my shoulders.

"SO THAT'S YOUR BRILLIANT PLAN?!" she screamed at me.

"Shush!" I covered her mouth with one of my hands. "You don't want them to hear us!"

Beth glared at me, and I removed my hand. "So we basically break into the freaking house, and then steal the phone?!"

This time, I'm the one glaring. "Umm... Correction, please! We nicely enter the house to take back the phone that rightfully belongs to me..."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say... But just what will people think if they find out that Jessica Raymond, the top actress of Hollywood snuck into someone's house and stole something! Your career would be over!"

Oh yeah... I didn't think that far... Hehe, aren't I smart?

"Umm, then we won't get caught!" I answered smartly. Beth rolled her eyes again before turning to leave.

"Wait!" I called out after her. "Where are you going?"

"Home," she said. "Get caught yourself if you want. I'm out of here!"

"Suit yourself," I hissed. "So much for BFF's," I muttered bitterly under my breath.

"You coming?" she asked one last time.

I glanced at the house once more, before deciding on leaving with her.

But just how will I get my phone back?!


Hope you like it so far... Let me know what you think ;)

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