Chapter fourteen.

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Hello beautiful people!

I really do hope you like this chapter, I've spent alot of effort on it :)

Let me know what you think! Comment, Vote, Fan!!

Lots of Love,

Kate .xx


Louis woke up in a bed that wasn't his own. He felt hot and sticky, probably due to the multitude of blankets on top of him. His head hurt and his eyes felt raw from crying. He threw the covers off and tiredly sat up, rubbing at his sleepy eyes. He looked sound the room, his eyes a bit blurry, and upon seeing the mirror that covered the whole of the left wall, he knew exactly where he was. He didn't remember going to sleep last night, he only remembered feeling completely and utterly miserable, and Zayn giving a lovely speech - but his emotions hadn't changed overnight. He felt drained, hurt, numb, anxious, disorientated and more vulnerable than he'd ever felt in his life. All Louis wanted to do was crawl back into the bed and hide away forever. Then there was the fact that Zayn knew how he felt about Harry. The first person ever to know that he, Louis Tomlinson, had feelings for his best friend, Harry Styles. Not just feelings of friendship and happiness, no no. Feelings of lust, of want and desire, feelings towards Harry that Zayn felt towards his fiancé. It wasn't normal. Louis was weird. He felt like an outcast, he felt like even though Zayn was fine with his emotions, the rest of the lads wouldn't be - Harry especially. He wasn't gay, he only felt this way with Harry. Harry was still his best friend, but now he was a best friend that Louis wanted to kiss.

Louis dragged himself out of bed after 45 minutes of laying in the dreary, horrid silence. He stood up and stretched, back cracking in all different places. As he was slowly making his way out of the room, he caught sight of his gloomy appearance in one if Zayn’s mirrors. He looked the same as he felt; drained. His skin was washed out, and his eyes were not their usual bright blue, his emotions causing them to be a light, unreadable grey.

As he walked into the lounge, had to contain his laughter as he saw Zayn sprawled across the couch, arms and legs going in every direction. Usually, he'd laugh at his friends funny positioning, but today, he didn't. It just made him feel bad that he had taken over his friend’s bed - not that he remembered it - and that Zayn had been forced to sleep on the couch. What sort of friend am I, Louis scoffed, kicking my friend out of his own bed. 

"Hey Lou," said a muffled voice and Louis jumped at the realization that Zayn, was in fact awake. He shifted uncomfortably, also realizing that he had been staring at the male. Zayn pull his head out of the pillow to twist around and look at Louis, just to make sure that the older man was there, and that he hadn't been speaking to himself.

"Hi," Louis said sheepishly, forcing a small smile. Louis was thankful that it was too early in the morning for Zayn's brain to pick up that the smile was fake. He just couldn't be bothered explaining the reason why his body felt so disconnected from reality, because in all honesty, he himself didn't even know. Zayn laid his head back down on his navy blue pillow, and watched through half open lids as Louis lowered himself into the armchair next to the couch.

"Whaddya doin' today?" Louis' shaky voice run throughout the room, and Zayn could tell that the older male was putting up a brave front. He yawned, taking a moment to think about his answer. He could see right through Louis' attempts of trying to act casual, but decided to leave it. He knew that if Louis wanted to talk about it, he'd approach Zayn in his own time.

"Goin' over to Shannon's for a bit," he finally replied. He hadn't seen his girlfriend - sorry - fiancé in what felt like forever, and today he planned on spending some quality time with her. "Oooo," Louis teased, "spending time with the wifey!" He waggled his eyebrows up and down, causing Zayn to burst out laughing. "She's not my wife, Lou. Well, yet!" he said the last part excitedly, because well, he was excited. He couldn't believe that him and Shannon were getting married - it was such a big step, but one that Zayn knew he wouldn't regret. He loved Shannon, he loved her voice, her pretty blonde hair, her captivating blue eyes, the way she understood him and his emotions, the way he understood each one of her smiles. He loved the way tingles ran up and down his spine when their fingers intertwined, the way they could lie together for hours, never getting bored of each other. He wanted to have a family with her, wake her up in the morning with breakfast in bed, he wanted them to grow old together. And he couldn't wait till the upcoming day when he could finally call her his wife.

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