Chapter eleven.

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Hey dolls!!

Super sorry that this took a while, I really hope its worth it. Sorry if it doesn’t make sense, but leave a comment at the bottom telling me what you thought. It makes me so happy reading your comments!! Oh and please please please vote if you like it!! Anyway, enough with the drabble, here’s the chapter!! xxx


Her breath caught in her throat as she stare into Lou's beautiful blue eyes. Her baby's eyes would be green. She eyed his perfectly tousled hair, styled simply by running his hand through it. The baby's hair would be curly. Her thumb ran over his stubbly cheek and continued down his neck, her whole hand continuing to his chest. Looking up, she caught sight of Louis eyes, once again, that were looking right back at her.

And suddenly she couldn't do it anymore. The overwhelming emotions of cheating and lying and misleading and hurting people came crashing down on her. She abruptly took a couple of steps back, and as Louis put his hand out to rest on her arm comfortingly, she flinched, whispering "No..." more to herself than anyone. She shook her head and forced her eyes back up to look at Louis. 

"I'm breaking up with you."

And with that, she shakily stepped away, turning around and forcing herself to fight the urge to look back. 



Harry's phone vibrated in his pocket as he handed his money over to the cashier man. 


Taking his Starbucks from the counter; he took a long generous sip, before sighing happily and carrying it with him out of the shop. 


Humming quietly to himself, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, not bothering to check the caller I.D, as per usual. 

"Hello?" he questioned cheerfully, taking another sip of his drink and setting off down the street. 

"Haz..." a small and shaky voice said, barely audible. Harry stopped in his tracks. 

"L-Lou?" he spoke wearily, unsure of what to do. Why on earth was Louis calling him? What had Harry done wrong this time? Well whatever it was, he silently prepared himself or the yelling.  He sighed and dropped his head, slowly continuing to walk and sip his coffee, waiting for Louis to reply to him. 

Louis, on the other end of the phone, suddenly questioned whether it was a silly idea to call Harry. Of course it was. Harry wouldn't care. He'd huff and puff about it, or completely zone out. Why? Because according to Louis, Harry just didn't care anymore. Louis sighed and rubbed his free hand over his face, drying his previously damp cheeks in the process. He huddled even further into the corner of the kitchen where he sat on the floor. Every single doubt, every single consequence, every single harsh word ran through his mind. But no matter how badly he and Harry fought, a little voice in the back of his mind and heart told him that Harry would always be there for him. 

"Uh," Harry stopped walking again as he heard Louis begin to speak. He crossed over to the park and sat on the nearest empty bench, bracing himself for a "lecture". 

"Eleanor broke up with me."

Harry choked on his drink and his hands flew to his mouth as he coughed violently into them. Did he just hear right?? Did Louis just say that… That... No, he couldn't have done!! Maybe... Maybe he said "Eleanor drunk coke with me." yeah, yeah that's it. That's what he said.

"I don't even know why she broke up with me, Harry!!” Nope, he definitely said they broke up. Harry could hear Louis' voice beginning to shake. Everything he held against Louis, every tiny inch of hate he had for his friend, flew out the window. All he wanted now was to be by Louis side. To help him and to cheer him up and no matter how silly he needed to be, he would make sure Louis didn't cry. He didn't even hesitate. Harry jumped up off the seat and rushed to his car, keeping Louis on the phone and making understanding noises as Louis vented to him. 

In no less than 5 minutes, Harry was parked up their driveway. It had been a long time since he'd been into their flat, because he had been living with Liam. But that's not the reason his own hands were shaking. He was nervous about seeing Louis. Maybe Louis didn't even want to see him? Maybe he only wanted to vent to him? But he built up the courage and slowly made his way up to the door. He was doing this for Louis, and Louis only. Not even a single thought of "yay! Eleanor's single!" had run through Harry's mind. 

Louis was huddled in the corner of the kitchen rocking back and forth, still whispering shakily into the phone, when Harry walked into the house. Louis head shot around and bloodshot eyes met nervous ones. He looked at his phone and realized that he didn't need it on anymore, cause the only person he could face was right there with him. Before he could even help himself off of the floor, Harry had slid down to meet him in the corner. Their bodys met as Harry stared directly into Louis' wet eyes and suddenly they were pressed together in a tight and comforting hug. Neither of them knew who initiated it, they just knew it was long overdue and highly needed. 

They sat in that position for a long time; Harry kneeling on the ground with his arms tightly around the older male, who was sitting in his lap, legs either side of Harry's and arms thrown around his neck. Their heads were buried in each other’s necks as if they could hide themselves away from the horrid words and sights of the world. Eventually, Harry reluctantly tapped Louis' thighs, signalling for him to hop off and Louis did, equally as reluctantly. No words were exchanged, but the atmosphere was far from awkward. It was full of love and care and passion and so many indescribable emotions that were only shared between those two. It's was private and very much needed, and both boys were taking in every second of it and weaving it into their hearts. 


The smell of Fajitas from the kitchen wafted from the kitchen, right through to the lounge room, where Louis lay curled up on the couch. His eyes were red and puffy because no matter how happy he was that him and Harry were all okay again, a little niggling voice in his head constantly reminded him that his absolutely amazing, kind-hearted and pregnant girlfriend, had just dumped him. His mind ticked with every possible explanation as to why she did it. Did she think Louis would be an unfit father? Did she actually never love him? Did she feel like Louis would abandon her and the baby?? Louis had no idea. His mind over-thought the situation and eventually all he could do was cry. And cry he did. He let his eyes run and run and run until he was exhausted and his eyes were dry. His breaths were shaky and all he wanted was another hug from Harry, but he didn't want to interrupt the younger lad making the dinner he had INSISTED on making, after ordering Louis to relax and watch TV. So he cried to himself and tried to make himself happy, but not even old reruns of South Park could make him smile.

And then Harry walked in, with a big beam on his face and two plates in either hand and Louis' heart melted just a little bit. He didn't know why and he didn’t understand how the younger male did it, but just the presence of Harry made Louis feel happy and tingly and loved and... Different. That's it, Harry made him feel different. But Louis just shook it off, blaming the Painkillers that he took on an empty stomach.


They sat and they ate and they laughed and Harry was happier than ever because the crying, shaking man he had seen a mere two hours ago, now had a tiny smile on his face and a faint sparkle in his eye. That was more than enough to make him feel better. 

But he had an itch. No, not an awkward itch "down there", but the itch to ask Louis a question. He promised himself he wouldn’t ask, he hadn’t even thought of it till he was alone making dinner. The whole time after that, it bit at him all night until he reasoned with himself, arguing that it was probably a normal question to ask in this sort of situation anyway. You know, with the heartbroken best friend and all. So he built up the courage and hoped he wouldn't regret it later as the words came tumbling out of his mouth,

"How's Eleanor?"

TBC. xx

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