Chapter three.

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so, theres a BIG twist in this chapter, which you probably wouldn't have expected.. ;) enjoy!! Don't forget to comment, fan, and vote please! :) xxxx 


Monday afternoon.

Louis shifted uncomfortably on the couch, wanting nothing more than the pain in his abdomen to go away. His head throbbed too and caused everything to be a bit blurry, and because of this, Harry had insisted that he stay on the couch and not get up at all. Louis tried to fight against him by arguing that he would need to get up to pee, but Harry simply fetched him another bucket and said, "Your aim better be good." But of course Louis didn't use it. He snuck out of the room whenever Harry was elsewhere, and used the toilet like a civilized human being. Even though standing up made him feel dizzy and nauseas, there was no way he'd pee in a bucket.

There was a knock at the door and Harry walked into the lounge room, placing a glass of water on the coffee table for Louis before heading for the door. He opened the door, and there standing in front of him was her.

"Hey Haz, is Louis home?" Eleanor said sweetly, offering him a smile. She peered into the room behind Harry and could just make out a figure lying on the couch in the dim light of the TV. She smiled and pushed past Harry, who still hadn't responded to her. As she reached Louis side, she instantly knew that he was not okay.

"Louis? What’s wrong? Why didn't you respond to my text?" she said quietly, brushing the hair off of Louis' hot forehead. Louis looked confused and pulled his phone out of his pocket, examining it for any messages from his girlfriend.

"I didn't get any messages from you babe... And I'm fine, just got a headache," he said, trying not to worry the pretty female. He smiled reassuringly as she furrowed her brow and pulled out her own phone.

"That's funny," she murmured, "I'm sure I sent it..." Harry felt his cheeks go hot from guilt, and quickly escaped to the kitchen. As he searched the cupboards for something to eat, he could vaguely hear the conversation between Louis and Eleanor.

"So what did the doctor say?" Eleanor said, sitting on the floor beside the couch and playing with Louis' fingers.

"Umm, nothing much..." he said as convincingly as he could. Eleanor shot a confused look at him.

"Louis is there something you’re not telling me?" she said concerned. She knew, just like everyone else, what Louis was like when it came to injuries. Louis tried to avoid her eye contact.

"I've, I've got um, appendicitis..." he said, giving in to his girlfriend’s frightened voice. The least he could do was tell her straight out. He watched as her expression changes into one of genuine concern. "I'll need to have surgery for it, probably sometime this week," he continued,” that is, if the pain gets worse. But its fine at the moment," he lied. He was feeling anything but fine. The simple action of talking was draining his energy, and he felt like he was about to throw up everything he had eaten in his entire life. But he didn't want to worry his girlfriend - he already had Harry mothering him. Eleanor shook her head and sat up on her knees to kiss Louis' forehead.

"Louis, please promise me that if the pain gets any worse, you'll immediately go to see the doctor..." she said, stroking Louis' cheek, "and I promise I'll be there when you wake up from surgery," she added cheekily. Louis' laughed, but that laughed quickly turned into a groan as his stomach reacted badly to the sudden movement. Eleanor grabbed his hand tightly, and then stroked it soothingly. He turned his head so he was looking her directly in the eyes.

"I promise," he said, bringing her hand up and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. She smiled at him, approving of his promise.

"Good boy. Right, I’m off then. I've got a photo shoot at 5. Keep me updated on your condition, alright Lou Lou?" she said standing up and pressing a kiss to his forehead. He nodded and blew her a kiss, before she walked to the door and disappeared out of it, closing it behind her. Upon hearing her leave, Harry left the kitchen and went to get ready for dinner at his Moms. Of course he didn't want to leave Louis while he was feeling so sick, but he was hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would be able to get away from his thoughts.


Emerging from his room 30 minutes later, Harry headed down the stairs into the lounge room. He found Louis asleep, curled up on the couch and snoring a bit. Not wanting to wake the older lad, he tiptoed to the front door and opened it as quietly as he could.

"Where are you going, Curly?" Louis muttered, making Harry jump. That boy must have supersonic hearing, he thought.

"Um, I'm going over to Moms for dinner, I'll be back around 11," Harry said, returning to the door.

"I want to come," Louis said loudly and sternly. He sat up on the couch and tried to ignore the pulsing in his head. Putting his hands on either side of him, he pushed himself up and staggered as his head spun. Harry turned around just in time to see him start to topple over. He ran to Louis' side and threw his arm around his band mate’s waist, to keep him from falling over.

"Louis you can't come, you're sick," Harry said sternly, trying to sit Louis back down. But Louis protested and stood his ground.

"No Harry, please let me come," he begged, putting on his puppy dog face. "Besides," he continued, "I bet your mom invited me any way," he said sniggering. Harry sighed. The older boy knew his mother too well.

"Fine then," he sighed as Louis pumped his fist in victory. "I'll go get you some clothes." Louis nodded and sat down with a smug smile on his face. Harry entered Louis' messy room, and headed to his wardrobe. He picked out a light blue button down shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, and a pair of white toms. Making his way back to the lounge room, he threw the clothes at Louis and kept walking, straight into to the kitchen. He reached the medicine cupboard and pulled out a box of high quality pain killers, and popped out two of the pills. He returned the box to the cupboard and walked back into the lounge, placing the two pills next to Lou's glass of water. He knew the boy needed them, but he also knew that he would never ask for them. Louis smiled at him gratefully, zipped his fly up as he finished getting dressed and placed the tablets on his tongue, swallowing them with a sip of his water. He nodded at Harry, indicating that he was ready to go, and they both headed towards the door. Harry opened the door but was stopped by Louis' hand on his shoulder.

"Baby Hazza, can we come home if I'm not feeling well?" Louis queried. Harry suddenly remembered that Louis was sick.He tilted his head peered into the tanned males beautiful blue eyes.

"Did you even have to ask?" he said playfully. "Of course we can Lou bear. Say the word and we're outta there," he said reassuringly. Louis smiled softly and linked his hand with Harry’s. Harry smiled in return, and led Louis to the car, their fingers still intertwined.


Zayn knocked firmly on the door, knock knock knock. He waited patiently as he considered that he should have called before he just turned up at the house. He knocked again, maybe she was out...

"Oh, hey Zayn!" Shannon said joyfully as she saw her gorgeous boyfriend staring at her doorstep. He stepped up and pressed a long, soft kiss to her lips before greeting her with a small 'hello.' She stood aside to let him in and he wandered into her small living room, sitting down on the sofa with his arm out for her to cuddle into him. Shannon walked over to the couch and laid on it with her head in Zayn's lap. He dropped his hand so it was placed protectively around her back, and let out a sigh. Shannon instantly knew that there was a certain reason Zayn was here, but what was it? Sitting up, she examined his face. His eyes looked tired and distracted. She placed her hand on his cheek and turned his head so it was facing hers.

"Babe, what's wrong?" she said quietly, over the faint noise of the television. Zayn looked into her eyes and a small tear rolled down his cheek. Shannon moved her thumb up to wipe the tear off of his tanned cheek, and bent in to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Louis has got appendicitis," Zayn whispered, obviously struggling to get the words out of his mouth. This wasn't just affecting him a little bit, it was completely destroying him. "I'm so worried that he'll leave it to late to get his operation and it will explode... that can kill people you know... and you know how Louis is, he'll never admit how much pain he's in... and I just, I don't want him to put himself in danger... but I don't know what to do." the words tumbled like a waterfall from him mouth, and before he knew it his head was buried in Shannon's neck, tears flowing uncontrollably from his eyes. She stroked his back reassuringly. It absolutely broke her heart to see Zayn like this. They had been together for 8 months and Zayn she knew all too well how much Zayn cared about his band mates. He would never let his guard down like this around the boys, but Shannon was his girlfriend and she loved him no matter what.

Finding his breath, Zayn pulled his head back and looked towards the ground, thinking back to the horrible news he had received 3 years ago. His 4 year old cousin was admitted to hospital because she had pains in her stomach. She was rushed to surgery when they found out that she had appendicitis. The doctors worked their hardest, but her appendix had already burst. She couldn't be saved. And just like that, his whole world had fallen apart. For months, and still now, Zayn got emotional at the memory. He used to have the best times with little Rosie, climbing trees and drawing pictures. She was taken too young, but she would forever remain in the family's hearts. That is why, even though Louis was much older than Rosie, Zayn was worried. The band would never survive without Louis. They were all like brothers, and Zayn wanted to do everything he could to make sure that Louis would be okay. That is why he had to make Louis go to the hospital for his operation, not put it off.

"Are you alright, baby?" Shannon’s sweet voice broke Zayn’s thoughts. He looked into the eyes of his beautiful girlfriend and suddenly felt grateful to have her. He cupped her face and whispered, "I am now," before leaning in and kissing her passionately. This girl meant the world to him. The way her smile sent shivers through his spine, the way she would listen to everything he needed to let out, the way he let him know that she would never leave him. Everything about her made Zayn want her more and more. The love he felt for Shannon was unlike anything he had ever felt. And some day he planned to let her know just how much he loved her, someday soon...


No less than 2 hours after they went out, Harry and Louis returned home. Harry unlocked the door with one hand, using his other to support a dizzy Louis. They stumbled through the door and Louis fell onto the ground in pain. His abdomen was burning and suddenly, the contents of his stomach were spilling out of his mouth and onto the tiles. He felt his head being shoved into a bucket as he continued to throw up. A hand was running up and down his back, reassuring him. When he was satisfied that there was nothing else coming up, he crawled to the wall and curled up against it with his eyes shut. His head was spinning as he kept dipping in and out of sleep. He heard a mop on the tiles somewhere near him, and then he was being softly dragged across the carpet. When he woke completely, he was laying on the floor with his head in Harry’s lap and a blanket keeping him warm. Harry was quietly snoring, his head resting against the arm of the couch. Before he knew it, Louis was asleep again, away from the pain that consumed his body in his waking hours.


Louis awoke in the morning, a cushion in the place of where Harry's lap was earlier. He heard voices coming from the kitchen, and sluggishly propped himself up into crawling position and made his way on his hands and knees to the kitchen. He pushed the door open to see Liam and Harry sitting opposite each other at the table. Their conversation fell silent as they acknowledged the presence of Louis. Liam looked annoyed and strict, but Harry, Harry looked torn about whatever they were talking about. Liam spoke, breaking the silence.

"Louis, I'm taking you to hospital for your operation today." Liam said strictly. Louis' mouth fell open and he looked desperately at Harry. Harry slid off the chair and onto his knees so he was in front of Louis, and whispered that he had tried to change Liam’s mind but he was too strict.  He choked back tears, as Louis put his arm around the green eyed male and pulled him closer.  Harry fell into Louis' arms, tears streaming down his face. Louis' heart broke at the sound of his best friend crying, and he instantly knew that the younger male had tried his best.

"You both need to understand that this is what's best for Louis, even though it may not seem like it. It's just... I fear that if we leave it any longer, Louis' appendix might explode and this could lead to something fatal." Liam continued, as Louis felt Harry completely break down in his arms. They both knew what that meant - Louis could die if they left it any longer. Louis ran his fingers through Harry's curly hair and placed a kiss on top of his head. It took a moment for Harry to compose himself, and when he had he sat up straight, wiping the remainder of his tears away.

"Alright Louis, we need to go know." Liam said quietly. He hated to do this, and he knew that Harry would hate him for a while, but he couldn't put up with Louis being in that sort of danger. It was for the best. Harry looked back up to Louis, and it took all his might to keep back his tears as he saw the fear in the older male’s eyes.

"Harry," Louis said softly, "I want you to come. I want you to be there when I wake up. I know how much you hate operations and just hospitals in general, but please. I need my best friend there with me." Louis' was practically begging him; he needed to have Harry there. This was such a big thing for him, and he knew he couldn't face it without Harry there to comfort him.  Harry took a moment to think. Yes, he did hate operations and he knew that he would feel sick when Louis emerged from the operating theatre... But he also knew that he'd want Louis to be there if he himself was in hospital. There was no one else in the world he would want to wake up to. Except maybe...

"Haz?" Louis questioned, putting his hand out to stroke Harry's face and interrupting the younger male’s thoughts.

"Of course I will, Louis." he said, cupping his band mate’s cheeks. "You know I'll always be there for you, whatever happens." Harry leaned in a pressed a sloppy kiss to Louis' forehead.

"Come on then you two love birds," Liam said jokingly, "we have to get going." Harry and Louis both got up off the floor and shared a hug, before going to their respective rooms to get dressed.


It was a quiet ride to the hospital, with Louis making occasional comments about Eleanor meeting them there. They were all nervous for Louis who was obviously nervous too, because he was strangely quiet. Harry’s mind was filled with thoughts of what could go wrong, which made him upset. He almost wished he wasn't going, but he was doing this for Louis. The poor boy had sat as white as a sheet at Harry’s mom's house, barely touching his food. Anne had made a comment about him not feeling well, but Louis shrugged it off and claimed that he just needed some sleep. It was when Harry walked into the bathroom to find Louis curled up on the floor, that he knew something was wrong. He quickly dismissed them both and drove Louis home, as fast as legally possible. And then Louis has thrown up on the tiles - thank goodness it was the tiles not the carpet, Harry thought. The poor thing had no strength left in him, so Harry simply let him fall asleep in his lap. Even though Louis was asleep, Harry sat awake, trying to dismiss the horrible thoughts running through his head, similar to the ones on the way to the hospital. His thoughts were interrupted though, by Liam slamming the door as he got out of the car. Oh, they were at the hospital already. He turned around in his seat and saw Louis looking at the big building, fear filling his eyes. Harry reached out and patted Louis' knee reassuringly, and Louis offered him a smile in return. They got out of the car, and Liam linked all their arms together and led them towards the entry. Stepping inside, they were greeted by the smell of sterilization gel and rubber gloves. The smell made Liam feel sick, but he continued straight over to the emergency desk.

"Hi there, we have Louis Tomlinson here with appendicitis... I phoned earlier and the doctors booked him a room?" Liam said informatively to the nurse behind the counter. She peered at her computer over the top of her glasses, and then looked back up at Liam.

"Right this way, boys," she said, stepping out from behind her desk and leading the 3 boys to an elevator. By this stage, Louis was bent over in pain and had to be sat down in a wheel chair, much to the amusement of Harry. Louis himself was extremely embarrassed at having to be pushed in a wheel chair, but he just had to put up with it. They stepped out of the elevator and Harry pushed Louis down to a room, following the nurse. When they reached the room, they were very grateful to find out that it was a private one, with only one bed, a TV and a small bathroom.

"The doctors will come see you over the next few hours, make yourself at home," the nurse said smiling and leaving the boys alone in the room. Liam helped Louis stand up and get undressed to put the hospital gown on. Harry pulled the sheets back on the bed and fluffed up the pillows, reaching for the remote and flicking through the channels. When Louis was up on the hospital bed, Harry pulled the sheets up over him, and pulled his own chair closer to the bed. Much to the joy of the 3 boys, Harry found SpongeBob on TV. He rested his head on Louis' hospital bed and absently played with the older males fingers. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Eleanor’s head appeared around the door and she stepped inside. As soon as she caught sight of Louis, he beautiful smile faded into a frown. She walked to his side and cupped his face, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Oh Louis, what're we going to do with you..." she mumbled, stroking Louis' cheek. He smiled back at her, and Liam coughed awkwardly, breaking the gaze of the two lovers.

"Well, I'm off then buddy," Liam said standing up, "but me and the lads will be back when you get out of theatre," he promised. He pressed a kiss to Louis' cheek before walking out of the room, waving as he went. Eleanor sat down in his place on the opposite side of the bed from Harry, still looking at Louis. She seemed broken, Harry thought. Her beautiful smile was silently pouting and she was obviously trying to hold back tears. This must hurt her as much as it hurts me, Harry thought, as Louis put his hand up to Eleanor's cheek and allow her to rest her head on his chest.

When he opens his arms and holds you close tonight, it just won't feel right.
Cause I can love you more than this.
When he lays you down I might just die inside, it just don't feel right.
Cause I can love you more than this.

Harry hummed the tune of their hit song "More Than This" as he gazed at the two lovers. He longed to hold the beautiful female in his arms. He longed to kiss her and make her feel safe. He longed to.... Snap out of it, Harry, he said to himself. Eleanor was Louis' girlfriend. She was Louis', not his. Ever since the couple had got together 11 months ago, Harry's heart had ached at their public displays of affection. He never told either of them about his feelings, and he never planned to. He had tried avoiding them both, but had always broken at the pain in Louis' eyes as he expressed his need for the younger male. Every time Eleanor looked at Louis, he wished it was him. He loved her long before he loved Louis, and once thought the feeling was mutual... But then Louis asked her out. The look on her face instantly said that she didn't want anyone in the world more than she wanted Louis. It broke Harry's heart, and it always would. Eleanor would never love him, she loved Louis. So, Harry watched in pain everyday as they fell deeper and deeper in love, leaving him out of the picture.


It was 8pm when the doctor crashed through the door for the third time that afternoon, waking everyone from their sleep. Eleanor was asleep in her chair, her head resting on the bed. Louis' arm was draped on her back, and he was asleep flat on his back. Harry was asleep on 3 chairs pushed up against the wall, he had excluded himself from the  couple when they had started talking about their 1 year anniversary plans, and put in his headphones, much to Louis' Confusion. Harry, who was still half asleep, stood up, stretched and looked at the doctor who nodded at him in approval.

"Alright, Lewis Tomlinson? We're taking you in for your operation now." the doctor’s deep voice echoed around the room, forcing them to wake up faster. 2 nurses came in through the open door and started unclipping things from Louis' arms and fiddling with the machines. Louis shot a scared look to Harry, who instantly moved to the side of the bed and gripped the older male’s outstretched hand. He stared into Louis' worried blue eyes, and softly told him it would be okay. Suddenly, Harry was pushed out of the way by the nurses, who were now wheeling Louis' to the operating theatre on his bed. Without thinking, Harry grabbed Eleanor's hand and pulled her out of the room and down the corridor, racing after the nurses. They reached the nurses just as they were pushing Louis through the door to the operating theatre.

"Goodbye Louis," Harry called shakily, "we'll be here when you wake up..." The doors swung shut in front of him, cutting him off from his best friend, and his head hung to face the floor. He felt Eleanor's hand rubbing his back reassuringly, as he held back a tear.

"Hey, it's okay Haz." Eleanor said reassuringly, trying to think of what she could do to cheer him up. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head.

"You look shattered, how about we go out for a drink?" Eleanor offered, hoping that alcohol would cheer Harry up. They weren't allowed to see Louis until 10am the next morning, and she hoped that getting drunk would make her feel happier. Harry shifted his attention to Eleanor, surprised by the offer of the model. He hesitated, wondering whether he'd be able to handle being alone with his best friend's girlfriend. After a moment of deep thought, he responded with a faint 'okay'.

"Let's go then!" Eleanor said smiling her irresistible smile, making Harry weak at the knees. They walked in silence down the corridor, down the stairs, and out to Eleanor's car. Harry jumped into the passenger seat of the models black Lexus, as Eleanor turned the ignition on and began to drive them to their destination.

Harry, just remember that Eleanor is in a relationship, a voice in his head whispered to him. Save yourself the rejection and refrain from trying any moves on her, okay? Harry sighed. He hated that voice sometimes, it was so wise.

But, what's a few drinks between friends? Harry thought. After all, it's not like anything was going to happen... Was it?

TBC .xx

Note: THIS IS STILL VERY MUCH A LARRY STYLINSON STORY!! I promise you that its not Harry/Eleanor!! xxxx

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